Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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December 06, 2003 04:01 PM
The holocaust was a truly terrible time...especially for the Jews. To read of Anne's devestations, and love's was very touching and inspiring. She had to become so mature in so little time because of all the incidences going on around her. I know that this must have been very hard for her at times, because i'm thirteen myself, and cannot imagine how she managed and stayed so reasonable, and nice during the hard times she experienced.
Like Anne, i want to become a writer some day; i've even kept a few diaries myself. I think it's great that even after so many years, her legacy of life and her wish that she would be remembered even after her death, have lived on. If only more people could have been like her...maybe this world wouldn't be so full of hatred, pain, and despair.
I think Anne was absolutely right when she wisely said, " There's in people simply an urge to destroy, an urge to kill, to murder and rage, and until all mankind, without exception, undergoes a great change, wars will be raged, everything that has been built up, cultivated, and grown, will be destroyed and disfigured, after which mankind will have to begin all over again."
I believe there is much to be learned from Anne Frank...and much more that we can do to prevent anything like this from happening again.
krystyna rhoades
December 06, 2003 12:25 AM
i never read the book but finding out about her online makes me want to read her real diary the one she actually touched with her own hands
Sarah C
December 04, 2003 08:41 AM
My Thoughts on The Diary of Anne Frank

I thought this diary was amazing. I was shocked at what great wisdom and insight someone so young had. I think Anne was a truly remarkable person. Some of the things she said in her diary were amazingly profound. Anne showed so much maturity with her famous line, ?I still believe people are really good at heart.? It was such a sad story. I believe that the end is the saddest part. I thought that when Mr. Frank came back to the loft and found the diary was the saddest part. This girl?s story helped me understand what the Holocaust did to people. It turned thief into an awful person who was willing to turn in people to save his own life. For Anne however, the Holocaust changed her from a little girl into a mature woman. I think if Anne could look back now she would be happy, because she did become a good writes and she did continue living after her death. Though this was a very sad story it was also very inspirational. The triumphs of this young woman make me think that I have no reason to ever be ungrateful, and that I can accomplish anything.
December 03, 2003 08:34 PM
I was surprised at how deep the thoughts of a 13 year old were. Maybe when you?re shut up for that period of time you have so much time to think and write that you begin to put down your thoughts exactly the way you want them. I think that this diary really makes me feel sad for all the Jews that died in the holocaust. When Ann dies in he end it makes you realize that there were millions of other stories like Ann?s and this shows you the horror of how many people died lot more than just a number. If the story of one girl makes you sad than think about how many 13 year old girls and boys died, and of their similar stories.
December 03, 2003 07:45 PM
Before reading the Diary of Anne Frank I thought that the holocaust was boring just another event in history. My view changed after I read her diary though. I really loved the book and I started understanding the holocaust better. It amazed me that a girl so young could write so well; as I read it I experienced so many emotions that it was overwhelming. I felt horrible that I knew she was going to die when she was so carefree, and thinking about what she would do when she left her hiding place. I also felt sad when I heard that she had died. I had hoped all the way through that she would live through the war and live out her dream. I admire Anne a lot because she is so happy even when she had to give up so many privileges. I can?t believe that she didn?t loose her cool even though she was cooped up with so many other people in such a tiny space. I know that if I were her I would go insane, and become resentful. I am extremely glad I read the diary because it made the holocaust seem more real to me. I think that it helped me a lot reading about the holocaust from a girl who was my age, and her opinion of events. It also made me appreciate the space of my house and my privileges more. I do not regret reading the Diary of Anne Frank.
December 03, 2003 06:03 PM
?The Diary of Anne Frank? is a very heart-felt and tragic story. When I first read this book, I could not stand the injustice that was done. The events that happened in MY world, the ?innocent? place that I was used to was just so different than her life. I always just thought that I was lucky that no big wars had happened, or any horrible acts. But when I realized what people my age, every age, have been through, I realized that the world is not as innocent as I thought it was. This book helped me to realize that I was just lucky, and this is not how life always is.
It?s just terrible about how Anne went on and on about what she wanted to do, and what she would do once the war was out and she was free, but she never made it. Just to sit there and imagine how this girl, my age, had her entire life in front of her, and yet was so crudely robbed of it is just dreadful.
It is just hard to imagine what these people had to go through to survive as long as they did. Eight people crammed up in an attic with little room and privacy, let alone any food or entertainment. But when I think about it, it must have been better than being forced to a camp of either death or labor.
I have read and learned about the Holocaust before, but never from this point of view. So many people were hurt, torn apart from their families, homes, friends, and all that they knew and cherished. Before, when I thought about the Holocaust, I would just think of nameless, faceless people, who I never knew, and never would. But, after reading this book, it helped to put a human face on the Holocaust.
December 03, 2003 04:18 PM
This book really touched me and showed me how good I have it. When I first read this book I felt like I could really relate to her. I really loved this book. I don't know how but I haven't been the same. I have helping out more and other things. I feel sorry for her because of the way she died. But I know that she is still here in a sense. She is working in people. I like to write and this has really inspired me. She was a great writer even when she was young. She knew how to express her feelings but for some reason I was never really good at doing that.
Bridget R.
December 03, 2003 08:44 AM
I really loved the book Anne Frank. It gave me an even greater appreciation for all of the people in the holocaust, and put a very human face on it for me. I think that Anne Frank was such a great person. The end made me feel so sad, because none of those people deserved to die, and if they had only waited just a little while longer, they would have survived. she is really someone that I wish I could be like, and her diary was really moving. It is one of the best things I have ever read, and it was a really incredible story. I think that everyone should read it. It is life changing. I really loved the book Anne Frank. It gave me an even greater appreciation for all of the people in the holocaust, and put a very human face on it for me. I think that Anne Frank was such a great person. The end made me feel so sad, because none of those people deserved to die, and if they had only waited just a little while longer, they would have survived. she is really someone that I wish I could be like, and her diary was really moving. It is one of the best things I have ever read, and it was a really incredible story. I think that everyone should read it. It is life changing. The way Anne lived with her fear was amazing. She would have been a great writer if she had been allowed to grow up.
December 03, 2003 12:17 AM
The Diary of Anne Frank surfaced a lot of feelings. It's really sad! Especially because the reader knows what is going to happen to Anne, but she doesn't. She's so happy and carefree, and has so many plans for what she's going to do when she's out of hiding. Its troubling to know that she never got a chance to turn all these dreams that she had into a reality. At the same time, it also seems unbelievable to me. I mean, I know that this actually did happen . . . but how could they stand it? Having eight people cooped up in this small of a space for such a long period of time seems like it must have been unbearable. I guess it was better than the alternative of death or being sent to a concentration camp, but it still amazes me that they were able to live that way for as long as they did. But also, i thought that this story was interesting. I had learned about the Holocaust before, but never from this perspective. I knew that people went into hiding, and I knew what concentration camps were before reading this, but it was a new experience to see it the way a girl around my age would have seen it. The Diary of Anne Frank was a book that I'm glad I read.
Max P.
December 02, 2003 09:54 PM
I'm usually not touched by these sort of stories or any sort of stories in that matter. I've never really gotten nervous for anyone else or scared for anyone else. But this story did both. I was nervous for Anne whenever a siren was heard. I was scared for her when she was sent to the concentration camps. And i was touched by her optomistic mood about the whole terrifying expirience.
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