Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Eric D.
November 30, 2003 11:41 PM
This site is really solid. It has all the details of what and how she lived her life. Even in the tough situations, she tried to make the best of it with the little that she could do.It takes alot to do things in those days with so much rules. I admire the effort and will that she had
Cole Marchetti
November 30, 2003 11:36 PM
What happened to Anne Frank was an unimaginable experience. Before I read Anne's diary I knew almost nothing about the holocaust except how horrible it was(which isn't much!). After reading Anne's diary it put it all together for me. I then not only knew what happened, but knew what happened through Anne's eyes, and in great detail. It's one thing to know the facts about an event brought upon by research, but a completely other thing to know the facts about an event through someone's personal experience, which Anne's diary does for you. Besides knowing the facts, you should want to be moved, otherwise what good was reading it? Well, Anne's diary moved me, it reached down a nd touched my heart, awakened my emotions, and made me feel for her. I hope it does the same thing for you. It's your choice to choose whether to care or think,"what's the point, it's all in the past." Please take this seriously for it's not something to be taken lightly, it REALLY happened.
November 30, 2003 09:39 PM
Anne's is a story broad and mythic in its philosophic scope. While at first the reader may expect the monologue to pertain solely to the negativity of persecution and confinement, Anne tells us much more. Her observations and reactions address topics that are central to much of human life. It would seem that her existence during a time when a powerful regime sought to exterminate her race served to impel her on a quest for meaning. Throughout her time in the Secret Annex, Anne posed many questions in her diary, rhetorically searching for justification. She doesn't allow herself to be consumed by the fallacy that her enemies are totally and ultimately evil individuals. Rather, she chooses to maintain her belief that "people are really good at heart" through the hardship that others imposed on her. In this way, she was a real philosopher and a humanitarian. Her writings confront honestly the struggles of an adolescent thrust into an uncertain and emotionally heated situation. She reacts strongly to the dynamics of the enclosed community, particulary regarding her love for Peter and the disparity of purpose between the teenagers and adults. On the latter issue, she proposes that adolescents possess a unique persepctive on life because they have not yet formed opinions of it. While its true that virtually all teenagers experience much doubt and introspection, the same is also true for adults. Perhaps unaware of her actions, Anne has stated a fact common to all of us: that we as humans desire to, and should seek to know our world, and ourselves. This is the nature of Anne Frank's writings. They weren't merely about the war, or about her sorrowful condition. Anne collected the knowledge of all that she experienced, jubilant or tragic, or simply neutral, and created her analysis of reality. The conclusions that she drew are profoundly positive: the result of enlightened examination and not reactional ramblings. Anne achieved more that really matters in her 15 years than some people do in their entire lives. The core of her message is universal, wise, and uplifting. She found that there was always hope for good amidst darkness.
November 30, 2003 08:52 PM
When I first started reading Anne's diary, I was not that interested. All she talked about was boys, boys, boys. But soon I realized that there was a better Anne living inside of her. This Anne had such strong, powerful emotion I never thought someone my age could. Anne has influenced many lives and she has also changed many for the better. Anne has helped me she what she had thought of the war. I just want to say...Thank you Anne.
Ashley V.
November 29, 2003 01:16 PM
I can't belive all this happend to a young girl. When I first started reading her diary, I kind of felt bad for her and her family. I can't even imagine all the things they had to go thorough. It must have been really hard for them.
This book has to be one of my favorite books f all time. We watched anne go from a little girl into a mature teenager. We went through all her problems with her, watched her cry, and watched her laugh. Though Anne is gone now, she will never be forgotten, Her words moved me in away as which I can't desribe. It was unbelieveable.
Melissa (hrs)
November 29, 2003 01:04 PM
Ann is a very gifted and talented writer. It is hard to think that she was only thirteen years old when she wrote this diary. She is an inspiration to many individuals and has given me a whole new perspective on the Holocaust and those who were forced to live their lives a certain way. Ann wrote her diary using very descriptive words on what she saw, heard, felt, and how she looked. She has touched the lives of many people and will continue to, through her diary.
November 28, 2003 03:41 PM
Anne Franks diary is one of the most touching and haunting stories that I have ever read. Haunting in a sense that I can relate to a lot of things she says. From the begining of the story until the end you can see how much she has changed and that is somthing you don't get to experience with a lot of other books. Anne was a very strong and brave girl and that is a postive thing to read knowing all that she is going threw when she is writing the things she does.
Kristen J.
November 26, 2003 07:03 AM
This is one of the most interesting and moving stories I've ever read. It helps people to understand what it's like to be a girl just becoming a young women and all the emotions that emerge. The Diary combines the topics of romance, comedy, mystery, and history all to make a such a beautiful story.It is very hard to believe that such a thoughtful, understanding person would have to go from living in a expensive home to living in a confined space with another family to going to a concentration camp. I'm glad that her dream of living after her death came true beacause anyone who has to go through such suffering should get some kind of reward for their suffering and courage.
November 25, 2003 07:50 PM
WOW! I still cannot belive that all of this happened to a young teenage girl. When I first started reading her diary I thought she was kind of self centered and didn't really care about anyone else. She just thought about how lonley she was and didn't realize that everyone else felt the same way. Later on though she began to grow. She grew into a strong independent young lady. Who did not only think of herself but of others too. She was brave and kept on going. I don't know if I could have handled it as good as she did. In Annes diary she tells us her whole life. Everything thought that she was thinking she wrote it down. I never thought that a girl of 15 could have all of these thoughts running through her head. She was very mature for her age, and handled most things in a good way. Annes words moved me, in a way I will never forget.
November 25, 2003 07:20 PM
I have just recently finished reading the diary of Anne Frank. When I first began the book I didn't find much interest in it. I thought she was stuck up when she stated all the guys that she had and how she had so many friends. I thought to myself, great another story of a poor, unfortunate, popular girl. As I kept reading I learned more about her and the struggles she had to go through. I think that when you read something that someone your age wrote you get a better feel for the situation. I can say that as I read I became more interested in the book. I would read waiting and wanting to see what would happen next with her and Peter or with her parents. Also I can relate to many of her emotions, which made me want to see how she handled herself. I think that Anne is a lot stronger than I could ever be. I'm happy to have read the book and to meet Anne through her story.
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