Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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November 25, 2003 06:23 PM
I think she can change the world.
November 25, 2003 10:49 AM
When I first started reading Anne Frank's diary, I thought that I was only reading it because I had too. I soon realized I was wrong though. The Anne Frank wrote an awesome diary. She had many different emotions and she spoke her mind clearly. Anne was in charge of herself and that impressed me very much. It amazes me at how wise and intelligent she was. If I was in her situation I don't know if I could have handeled it like she did. Anne's diary put's a whole new perspective on the Holocaust and what people went through.
November 25, 2003 09:56 AM
I just want to say that Anne Frank I really loved your story. I
am 14 years old and this is my first time reading your story.
It really touched me inside. I learned of the cruelty, injustice,
and suffering for many during those times but also of how strong
the human soul can be when brought to the challenge. The kindness,
fairness and love of a young girl who was wise beyond her years
taught me many things about the strength of human kind.
November 25, 2003 08:58 AM
Anne Frank was an awesome person who went through more than we can imagine. Yet she made the best of it. She thought a lot about many different things. She had some very profound thoughts and some that were just silly. I related to her and that really caught me by surprise, I thought that she was going to be like a snot or brat but she wasn't she was just an ordinary teenage girl. She felt that no one understood her and she needed the drama in her life just like every girl does. It was really cool to relate to her because it made the aspect of war more real to me. It made me think "what if that happened to me". Could i stay as strong as she did? Or as brave? She was an ordinary girl with an extra ordinary life. It was a very interesting book.
Tiffany J.
November 25, 2003 08:54 AM
I was totally moved when I first read the Diary of Anne Frank. The second time when I read it for a class assignment I saw so much more of Anne's emotion. She was a mood swing monster. You would read one passage and she would be this happy go lucky girl and then the next day she would be really angry. I was so amazed when I read all of the ordeals Anne had to go through. She just kept pushing on. I know If I were her I would have committed suicide. She did have her rough times but she got through it. The whole time she was in hiding she kept her chin up. After reading a whole lot of responses from this website I saw points of view would have never seen. I saw people were really moved. I didn't understand how some people could be so moved by such a story. I guess it is just because I have experienced prejudice myself. I also don't realize why everybody is so amazed that Anne had such deep thoughts. I mean if you really get to know a person, everybody can have those deep profound thoughts. Anne is just a prime example of these thoughts.
November 25, 2003 08:49 AM
The first time i read Anne Frank i was shocked! I had no idea who Anne Frank was, or what she went through. I am very thankful that i read this book, it made a big impact on me. Anne Frank and the others in the "secret Anexxe" were all extremly brave, and should get great recongnition. Their story is a big part of our world today, and the people living on it. Anne taught me not to take my privelages for granted, and not to abuse your relationships you have. You never know what to expcet, and should always be prepared for the worst. We should be proud for having people as brave as they were in our world, it is them who make a difference, and urge others to follow. in conclusion, Anne Frank was an extrodinary story, and an intriging book, that everyone should read.
November 25, 2003 08:48 AM
The first time that I read the diary of Anne Frank was with my 8th grade Language arts class.i was suprised how much i learned from the diary of a girl. first i thought that it wa going to be boring and lame, i thought that i would be able to skip a few pages and that everything would fit in together. but when i starteed to read it i got very hooked and it was interestiong to learn what a girl that is in the same age range as me is thinking. when i first started to put a picture in my head of who i though anne franks was, it was a very socially popular girl that had tons of friends and took advantage of that fact. but by the end of the book i knew so much more about her and it helped me alot to understand how she had changed. by the end of her two years she was no longer as selfish of a person adn she didnt take any that for advantge. her life had change so many people. her diary was a great addition to get poepl eot learn what it is really like being a teenage girl and living in hiding for a long time. i hope that everyone learned just as much as e when they read this book.
November 25, 2003 08:35 AM
We just finished readin Anne Frank in our 8th grade English class. The book was very inspirational and I learned a lot as I continued to read. It amazes me how she could still have a nearly normal life living in those circumstances. I mean, she even got her first kiss. She kept a diary and now its left for everyone to read and understand better how hard it must have been, but none the less she lived her life. She changed a lot during her time in the annexe as well, she learned to keep her mouth shut quickly and not correct or try to always be right. It must have hit her hard into reality when she couldn't always be right or on the top. Its amazing how fast she adjusted to her new surroundings.
Monica C.
November 24, 2003 10:29 PM
Anne has touched many people's lives and showed us so much about what she had to go through. From what I read during the online exibit about her life and her diary she was a very gifted writer. Her story has inspired me and many other people by showing the readers so many ideals and prospects of life. Sometimes it is hard to remember that she was only thirteen when she started writing because the ideals that she writes and reflects on are what most people don't figure out until their late twenties. though she has passed on she still continues to touch people's lives and will continue to do so for many more years to come. hrs
November 24, 2003 10:29 AM
Yes, I do remember the first time I read the Diary of Anne Frank. It was assigned for our class to read in my 8th grade English class. After reading the book, I looked at it in a whole different view than when I did at the beginning of the book.
Anne Frank was a very outgoing girl with a very aggressive side to her. She came on very strong. And always, had t be right. She effected everyone around her in some type of way. The way she stayed in that little place with the same people and didn?t go nuts for two years was amazing.
By the end of the book she changed everyone?s view of her in the house, as well as mine. The smallest things she did effected the people around her. At the beginning of the book everyone thought she was this sweet innocent girl. But by the middle they realized they were wrong. The neat way that worked was that Anne knew that they felt different for her from the beginning of the time she started to live there. So she tried her best to try to change that, and it worked! The Diary of Anne Frank was a really good book, and she inspired everyone around her.
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