Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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November 17, 2003 09:39 AM
I thought that the life Anne led in hiding was very scary, but yet she had to be pretty brave to go through all of that. I wish i could keep a journal like she did. How she wrote down all of her thoughts in one diary was very interesting, and this program really shows how it might of been like for her. The life of Anne Frank was very interesting. It is amazing how brave she was to go through all of that with her sister. Her diary is a great reference to what happened and sharing it with the world now really gives us a good look on what really happend and what it would be like to be in hiding.
November 15, 2003 08:30 PM
I think Anne was a really good writer and she was really brave and I think that it was really cruel what they did 2 them and the camps..My aunt and Uncle are German and they said that the German soldiers turned on their own people and I think that was wrong and I think ifr Anne was alive right now she wouild be a really good role model.Anne she and the rest of the 6.1 million jews should have not ever gone through with something like that because its just wrong and cruel I think if you have never read the book you shouild read it is is really a fantastic book and I really enjoyed it and I want everyone to know what happend even if you parents say that nothing happend jus look it up and you will see.
Reamber all 6.1 million who got killed and died.. their spirits still does live with us till today!
November 14, 2003 02:31 PM
I think Anne Frank was an inspiring writer. She expressed her thoughts and ideas and even her creative stories into her diary. Others have read her writngs and I think that it somehow touched them in some way. It's unbelievable that Anne recorded all of these events with such great detail during an important time in history. I think that she had a great heart and God gave her the talent of writing. She was very brave to have come such a long way and make an impact on so many.
November 14, 2003 04:58 AM
Anne's diary is such an interesting one! I feel really sorry for Anne and her family. Imagine going into hiding for two years with no-one finding out! Anne Framk is my heroine! And I know for sure that I would not be as brave as her since I'm scared of loads of things.
November 13, 2003 04:37 PM
I think that Anna was very brave. She was a wonderful writer. I believe she could and would have been a writer when she got older. I cant believe someone that cruel could do what they did to her. Sent her to camps to work to death and not be able to eat and die there. I think that is so wrong and cruel. I'm so sorry for Anne she and the rest of the 6.1 million jews should have not ever gone through with something like that because its just wrong and cruel. This book is very wonderful but so sad i cry every time i read it i have tears right now just thinking about what happened to her and her family. I think anyone who hasnt read this book should read it.
November 12, 2003 03:55 AM
Anne Frank's diary is something I believe many girls or boys for, that matter, can identify with up to this day, what with teen angst and self-realization, among others. I remember my fingers trembling when I reached the last page of her diary. So poignant, so mature are her writings and, more germane to this, her thoughts and feelings. Her continuous yearning for the sun just to be on her face alone makes me appreciate my freedom alone; her acute observations of the world around her shows her level of intellect. More pertinently, I admire her will and strength the survive the anguish of living under such circumstances. Her spirit does live with us till today!
November 10, 2003 03:19 AM
Dear Anne,

Just a few days ago, A Friend of mine, Who likes to read told me that the children at
his school had started to read your diary and were learning about your life and the
second world war as part of their History lessons. I was delighted to hear this as it
seems to me that for many people, the struggle and sacrifice of those years has been
forgotten by many today and it is essential for children today to know the sadness of
those times, something so clearly laid down in your book. I immediately went out and
borrow your Kitty from Library, and although it is indeed many months since I last
read it, glancing through it again it is clear that the message you gave the world is
still as clear and as rellevant today as it was then and we should never forget that. It
is so sad that you never had the chance of a normal childhood and a chance of growing
up - things we all hold so dear but even in your beloved short life you sent a
message to so many and are constantly still doing so. Sometimes I wish you can
appear to me in a dream. One of my biggest wishes is to fly to Amsterdam all the
way from Seoul (that's in Korea) and visit you're actual house. I will brought a tulip
because it is the best known flower of the Netherlands. I wish you didn't have to die
painfully. (you didn't deserve it) I hope that now you are in a better place with your
family, Mr. Pfeffer, the van pels family, and all the people slaughtered in the Holocaust.
I hope you are resting in eternal peace.
November 08, 2003 10:59 PM
i think anne franl was a very brave girl. I am reading the book for the second time and seeing what she went through written in her own words is just so sad. I dont think I would be as brave as she was.
November 07, 2003 06:26 PM
Hello! Anne Frank is a very spiritual writer. At the age of fourteen how could someone so mean and cruel do what they did to her and others? That is the question that lies in my head every time I think of Anne Frank. I just like to say " God Bless you Anne Frank, you have the courage that I don't have" If I were Anne who knows what would happen to me....Anne is such a good writer. When I saw the film of Anne Frank it felt so real. That film just put a chill down my back like I knew her and understood the things she went through. Before I go all I ask for is this, " if you haven't read the book then i suggest you read is brought me to tears..." I love you guys and god bless....missy
November 07, 2003 05:03 AM
i think that anne was a wonderful girl and she is an amazing writer
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