Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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October 21, 2003 12:41 AM
I've never read an intire book in my life before my english teacher gave us no choice so i was forced to pick it up and flip through 334 pages, before i read the book i though it'd be totally pointless but she really inspired me, and made me think, and i was deeply disturbed when i realised she was jsut a young girl like me...she wasnt given a fair chance to complete her life, and i was disturbed when i thought she wouldnt even no that millions of people would be reading something that she thought was just a diary...but then somehow i know she knows...
October 19, 2003 05:46 PM
het is nu al ongeveer tien jaar geleden dat ik het boek van Anne Frank gelezen heb en nog altijd staat me bij hoe helder en sprankelend ze schreef. Het leven dat ze op dat moment leidt ??n van de hardste die je kan inbeelden, als joods tienermeisje verdoken onder een nazi-regime, toch straalt er zoveel levenskracht en vrolijkheid door haar geschriften heen. Anne Frank blijft een geschenk voor de hele wereld en, als ze de kans daartoe had gekregen, was ze waarschijnlijk een van de beste auteurs geworden.

it's been almost ten years since I last read her book, but till this moment I can still remember and feel how warm and sparkling she wrote. The live she had to live at that time was one of the toughest and cruelst you can ever imagine, being a jewish teenager hiding from a nazi-regime. Nevertheless so much joy of life and hapiness flows through her writings. Anne Frank is a gift the world has to treasure. I'm certain that she would've become one of the best and most intresting writers, if destiny wouldn't have been so cruel.
October 16, 2003 12:02 PM
yo me gustan las historias de ella porque se le notan las ganas de vivir lastima que tubo una oportunidad de vivir lo sufisiente.
October 15, 2003 01:29 PM
I'm doing a project on Anne Frank. I think she's a true hero. She's so brave and wonderful. I don't like writing much, but i like to read. Anne Frank's writings are beautiful.
October 13, 2003 10:06 PM
I am 14 years old and I love Anne Frank and her writings. She was truly an amazing and gifted writer. Her life ended tragically at the age of 15 but her legacy still lives on and in my hopes will always live on. As each generation of children reads her diary she becomes more of a legend and an inspiration. I will always love her diary. Through her diary we can all witness the cruelty of Hitler and the injustice of the Holocaust.
October 11, 2003 08:12 AM
Hi,I'm kyurie, 16years

recently, I've
always found some story about Anne Frank
and her everything.

I love her diary.
because her diary is
so amazing to me
when I read it again and again.

I'm so lucky to have
a good friend like

I'm korean, is middle
scool student. My
english is so fool to
write my opinion. But
anyway, I was happy to
found a many stories
about Anne Frank.^-^*
October 10, 2003 11:45 PM
when I was 10 I loved reading. everything, from kids books to philosphy I just read eveything I could find. One day I was looking for a book to read on my father's bookshelf when I came across Anne Frank's Diary. The first thing that caught my attention was the fact that it said the diary of a young girl. and when I started to read it, I was amazed that someone only a few years older than me could have been living through something that traumatic. at such a young age I didn't really understand it. its only been 4 years but I think the diary has alot more meaning to me then it did before. because not only have I grown up but her diary has helped me grow up and become a better person. It's helped me to wake up and realise that I take life for granted. It may sound stupid because I'm only 14 but Anne Frank's Diary has changed my life and changed me as a person. It is amazing that such a young girl going through all of that had the strength and the will power to ever have hope. But she did. And that alone should be enough to make anybody rethink what they've done in their life and what they plan to do. I guess, what I'm trying to say is that Anne Frank changed my life.
October 10, 2003 12:39 PM
Knowing Anne Frank through her writings is an incredible gift to all that read them. It makes us all realize how precious life is and how people can survive against insurmountable odds. It shows that when you have goodness on the inside and share that goodness, it will grow for many years to come and effect many people.
God bless Anne Frank and may she live in peace in the afterlife.
Joe Anthony Guerrero
October 09, 2003 09:34 PM
Hi My name is Joe Anthony and I am 15 years old. I love reading all of Anna
Frank's books and watching her movie.And I think reading hers books is inspiring to all jews that have suffered the way she suffered in the holocaust. And she has been my inspiration ever sence I readed my first book. And I think that it made me a better person.
P.S. I still love reading hers books.
October 09, 2003 12:16 PM
I remember reading Anne's diary when I was about 13 years old, I am 27 now. When I read those pages back then, I was amazed that a girl my age was going through something like that! She wrote and had thoughts like that of an adult, but she was still a child. Now, at 27 it touches me even more when I read it. With her diary, she taught me very important lessons in life. If she only knew what an impact her writings and life would have. What a wonderful thing you have made, to share her teachings,writings,and life with everyone. Faced with everything she was faced with, she shows how truly special and beautiful life and being a human being is.
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