Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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October 08, 2003 09:41 PM
I saw the Anne Frank movie when I was about 13. Now I am 15 and for the poast 2 years, Anne frank has been my idol, my inspiration. Anne has tought me through her words how to be a better person. Anne has not only made me stronger as a writer, but as a person. People have even said that I look like her. That makes me feel great to look like someone so awsome. This site is great. It will help to teach kids about Anne an about how we need to not just look at the race or religion, but also look at the person.
"Inspite of all thats happened, I still believe all people are good at heart". That is the way I chose to live my life, by not judging people by whats on the outside but whats onthe in side. I have Anne to thank for that. I also have a book of my writings called Songs and Poems of Lauryn. Maybe one day it will be published and ill be famous.
Anne thank you for making me a great person!
October 08, 2003 02:11 PM
hi my name is hanna and i i am 11 years old .i have loved anne frank for the longest time.i have read all of her books and i think that she is amazing.she inspires me alot.when i got her diary my 9th birthday i said to my mom " who is this?" at the time i knew nothing about her.when i started reading her diary i started to love her. then i watched her movie "Anne Frank" and cryed for a long time during it and the end of it expessally.i really dont think that hitler should kill people because they are different. i think people that are diffetent are really cool. i think that Anne is my friend and ill see ger in heaven but until the i will never forget her.
October 07, 2003 07:06 AM
Hi my name is Sarah and i'm 16.I recently watched the "Anne Frank" movie, i was inspired i had to know more. i read all the books on her and jewish people in ww2 as i could. Her diary is inspiring and such a memeroable peice of writeing, you definately will not forget her diary, it should be on the top of the list for your next reading material, it's so well written you can actually picture what it was like through her eyes in the secret annexe! Anne actually inspired me to start my own diary, in the hopes that mabey one day i might write profecinally my self. This book is not boring it's a fantastic TRUE story so if you like that sort of thing pick it up and READ!!!!!
October 04, 2003 03:00 PM
I am amazed by this touching story. I picked up the book one night and read the whole thing. I was left crying in my bed. I can't believe that she had to die like that. When her and Peter talked about what they wanted to do when they got out, they never got to get out. I felt like I was there with them...I cant stop crying or thinking about it. Right now she would 74 years old, and be able to maybe be a live.
Anja van der Werf
October 04, 2003 07:29 AM
I live in Hoorn, a Dutch city at about 30 km to the North of Amsterdam. As a teacher, I have had two grandchildren of Miep Gies, one of the helpers of the Frank family, in my class.

One day I was standing at Amsterdam Central Station, waiting for the train to Hoorn.
I heard American tourists talk about their visit to the Anne Frank House, not rude, but loud, enthousiastic.
A few meters from them, was a man, all by himself, silent, looking the other way. Showing no emotions. I recognized him as the father of the two pupils, as the son of Miep Gies. The tourists didn't, couldn't know.
A very strange combination. Moving, chilling.
At that moment I felt, could almost touch, the impalpability of history, the impossibility of ever really knowing, really understanding.

I've read the diary, I've visited kamp Westerbork. My son's grandfather was deported from there too, but he survived. I haven't visited the Anne Frank House.

My son never knew his grandhfather.
But when he is old enough, and above all, when I have the courage to tell him about the cruelty that we as humans are capable of, I'll take him to those "guilty" places and let him read the diary.

I think that the only thing that can bring us closer to history is emotion. Your presentation is a great example of that.
October 03, 2003 09:32 AM
I think that Anne's diary is a great book it will move you in many ways and even if you think it won't it will. I didn't think it would move me but it brought me to tears because I honestly felt her pain, she was such a young girl and she had to go through so many emotions and even through all of those emotions she still had a great attitude. So I hope that when you read this or even if you already have I hope it touches you to.
alice perry
October 01, 2003 10:01 AM
my name is Alice and I'm 14.I've alwys found history very interesting and I'm making every effort to find out more about Anne Frank,her family and her life.Most people learn all this in school but I'm home educated so I have to find out for myself.I'm soon to begin rehearsals for a play about Anne Frank.It's called 'Tales From The Hidden Annexe:The Story Of Anne Frank'and it was written by one of my drama teachers.I'm holding my breath and waiting to see what part I get.We are even doing school performences which will contribute to teaching students about Anne and the Holucaust.
I'm reading Anne's diary now and am thoroghly iterested in anything with her name on,it catches my eye straight away.
I can't wait to do this play I expect it will stay with me forever.
September 27, 2003 11:37 PM
It is dark outside. It is middle of the night. There is no one, but myself. I feel. I sense. I hope. As i look into the darkness of night, i feel so alone. I am who i am because what i do, what i look like (the color of my skin), or my actions. But for one brief moment in time, nothing is there and everything is there. I feel the struggle. the struggle to do good, to rise above expection, to do so many thing.... all the childhood dreams, but so little time to do them all. i just begin to realize how hard is to change myself, my friends and the rest of the world. It is very diffult. I don't know how anne survived the environment. In many ways, she was bigger than the walls, the environment and the concentration camp, she 'understood' herself. Something that took me more than 20 years, just to realize. She is anne. She is a writer. In addition, She is forever a child. Her dream is my dream. She is forever in our heart, memory, and more importantly in our action. Let tomorrow, no today, be a better day, because we, no i, dare to make a difference, to be kind to others, to say thank you and to do good every day.
wish u the Best:)
September 27, 2003 02:38 PM
I was about 13 years old when I first read Anne Franks diary and I was and still am going through some of the emotions of being a girl that she went through (I'm now 17). I remember reading parts of the story as if I was looking at myself in a mirror and I still do. It is hard to imagine what she went through and to live in the secret annexe - which my parents and sister have been to see when they went on holiday. I would give anything to see it. I have recently bought the recent production about Anne Franks life and found it incredable and wonderful! Millissa Muller is an excellent journalist and I believe that she has made Anne proud. I have read Anne's diary so many times and when I read troubles she was going through at the same time I as I am, I kind of feel like the diary is a secret friend of mine that will always be with me. I love this website it really brings Anne's story to life. The holucaust was an awful thing. I was so upset when I got to the end of the diary were the book publishers wrote what happened to the Franks and the Van Pels. It must have been awful to know that on the other side of the fence from where they were dying was food and water and people saving the jews. I wish that I can visit the house one day, see the real diary. But due to the widely read diary I know that throughout the generations Anne will still remain the voice of her generation and she will live in our hearts forever a long with all the people who tragically died in the Holucaust
September 25, 2003 11:48 PM
I can't believe what Anne Frank had to go through. Right now Anne would have been a grandmother probably but she died and all because of Hitler. When I read her diary i was so shocked to know how terrible that was. Anne Frank was such a great writer. She would be a very famous writer by now but she still is. I feel sorry for Anne and all the other people who had to go through all this. If you know anyone who hasn't read the diary tell them to read it. It is really good.
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