Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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December 17, 2010 09:37 PM
Corpus Christi, Texas
WOW... what else can i say? WOW! Anne Frank is a girl who will stay in history for a while! I can't imagine being stuck in a small place for so long! I have never really read the whole book because she uses too big of words - she was so bright!
December 17, 2010 10:17 AM
Cupertino, CA
It makes me stressed when you think of just one man caused all of it. Anne never got to even have a chance to accomplish her dreams, and I had much of them. Its not fair.
December 17, 2010 09:35 AM
I am learning about Anne Frank right now in class, and can I just say that I think she is one of the bravest young girls I've read about. Her story is so inspirational, and reading it makes me realize how lucky I am. Anne went through so much, and yet she always found a way to think of the positive. I wouldn't be able to go through what she went through, and I think she's very strong for going through all of that. She was a very brillant young girl, and the fact that she kept a diary is amazing.
December 17, 2010 09:12 AM
Dear Anne:
After I read The Diary of Anne Frank, it helped me to realize what a good life I led. Because of your book, I have changed my perspective on life, and I do not take things for granted anymore. Also, you believed that everyone was really "good at heart", and you firmly believed it even at such a young age. You were an amazing person with a good personality. You stuck it out in the annex and didn't complain, and for that already, I admire you.
Saba N.
December 17, 2010 02:55 AM
Silicon Valley, CA
After reading the play based on Anne Frank's diary and watching two films on the matter, I was shocked. She was my age when she went into hiding, and she coped with it. Even after her diary was snatched from her, she lived through life in the concentration camps, holding on until her very last breath. Anne's writing, courage, and optimistic ideas in times of despair really caused me to admire her. I will always look up to Anne Frank, and hope to be as strong as her someday.
December 17, 2010 02:51 AM
Cupertino, CA
Dear Anne Frank,

Your diary has touched me so much I can’t even explain it. Even now I write my own diary because knowing that your diary has became a worldwide famous book, I want to make a diary too. I know it won’t be a book like yours, but I can read it to my kids and share my moments with them. You, Anne, were so brave to live in a small area knowing that there might not be food on the table the next day. You lived in a concentration camp dividing a small cup of hot water with five people and still managing to take care of your sister was a miracle to me. You are so caring I want to have your caring heart and brave soul. Thanks so much for writing this diary because so many people in the world enjoy your precious memories.

Charley Arby
December 17, 2010 02:27 AM
After reading the story of Anne Frank, I think she is a brave and courage young women. She survived two years in the hiding place with others families. After they had been found by the police, they were taken to the camp. However, she didn’t give up her life and died in the camp until her sister died. I really think her life story helped the readers understand the importance of the Holocaust.
Saba N.
December 17, 2010 02:13 AM
Silicon Valley, CA
After reading the play based on Anne Frank's diary [in class], I was shocked. She was my age when she went into hiding, and she coped with it. Even after her diary was snatched from her, she lived through life in the concentration camps, holding on until her very last breath. Anne's writing, courage, and optimistic ideas in times of despair really caused me to admire her. I will always look up to Anne Frank, and hope to be as strong as her someday.
December 17, 2010 01:48 AM
Cupertino CA
What I have learned about Anne Frank has astounded me. Her environment seems way too hostile for normal people, and the fear lingering in the air seems unbearable. It impresses me on how she had to fight boredom for two whole years. Furthermore, our class also watched the movie where she got sent to the concentration camps. It was horrible! The death that lingered in the air, the sense of hopelessness, chaos to me was unbearable just reading it. That was the worst part of the story about her. The suffering, the agony, the starvation, it all made me rethink my life and how the many things in life I take for granted that I shouldn’t. Anne Frank did not die in vain, because her story lives on. Anne Frank’s story will be remembered later on, generations later, as the brave young girl who never gave up hope in dark times.
Sunnie Bunny :)
December 17, 2010 01:30 AM
Cupertino, CA
When I was reading the Diary of Anne Frank, I was amazed at two main things. First of all, I was amazed at how Anne could stay positive through tough situations. Most people would probably stay negative and mope around, while doing nothing to make the situation any better. I was also surprised at how she could see good in everyone's hearts, including Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler and the Nazis killed her friends and later most of her family, and I don't see how they could be considered good in any way. However, her diary showed me that your family is the most important in situations like Anne's and not to take anything for granted. Overall, her diary was amazing and I will not forget her story.
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