Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Saurabh Karmarkar
December 17, 2010 01:24 AM
Cupertino, California
This is a very interesting autobiography to learn about. It helped me elaborate on World War II. I understood it better. I understood how much powerful Hitler was at that time. This book also teaches important lessons in life. It is a book that everyone should read.
December 17, 2010 01:12 AM
Reading "The Diary of Anne Frank" surprised me. I thought it will be some boring book, but when I read it, I realized that it was very lighthearted and kept me at my toes every moment. Anne is a very charming, caring, and brave person, and I really respect her for that. Her diary entries really helped me learn a lot more about the Holocaust, and I'm extremely glad that I read this book.
December 17, 2010 01:07 AM
Saratoga, California
I have been learning about Anne Frank in my Language Arts class and have some comments. The most moving part of her diary was when the families' hiding place was discovered by the Germans, and the soldiers were banging on the bookcase door. It was probably crossing through the minds of the people in the annex that most of them were going to die and all were about to suffer more than they every had in their lives. But everyone just stood perfectly still. It was as if they were not afraid of what was to come, and were willing to accept it. This really moved me, to see such courage. One more thing I would like to share is that I really wish Anne was alive today. To see the world now would make her so happy. :]
December 17, 2010 12:59 AM
Cupertino, CA
The Diary of Anne Frank was a really inspirational book. It taught me to appreciate little things like being able to go outside or hanging out with friends. This book also informed me about the Holocaust and how sad it was. Anne's character also taught me a lot. She was extremely brave and tried to make people happy. She made people happy even when the situation they were in, wasn't good. I am very thankful I read this diary, because it showed me so many things.
December 17, 2010 12:52 AM
Your story truly inspired me. The way you hid for a year in the Annex attic, with almost no food in your stomach, hiding under the constant shadow that you would be caught anytime by the Nazis. It made me realize how good a life I had and to be thankful for it. I love how, at the end, you say, "...i still believe people are good at heart." That really got me thinking that, even though you went through so much, you still believe so strongly about the goodness of everyone around you. Lastly, I was really touched by how you put your feelings into your writing and didn't seem to hold anything back. You really poured out your heart onto paper and were completely honest with yourself, because you were the only person you were writing to. So overall, I really loved your book and I wish you were here. If you were, you'd be one of the world's most famous and respected authors. And guess what? You already are! Thank you for being such an inspiration!
Jesus Sanchez
December 17, 2010 12:52 AM
1. Something that I would ask Anne would be a question that would not upset her about the Nazi’s or even the concentration camps that she went to. Why did Mr. Frank or anyone else ever think to have an escape route? This seems like a very obvious question seeing that if any of the Green Police were to find you then you may still have a chance too run away and even to another hiding spot. They were found not to early before they could have been liberated.

2. Something that I would like to tell Anne is that the war ended not to long after the Nazi’s found them. Hitler committed suicide and most of the concentration camps were destroyed and put out of commission. Today we have advance so far in technology.

3. One of the most important things that I learned from Anne Franks Diary is to always stay strong and never give up hope even when things are looking the worst. She was always trying to find ways to cheer everyone up and make them feel just a bit better even though there was a war going on right outside of the Annex.

4. The most moving parts were also pretty sad to me when I read that after they were all separated in concentration camps Peter and Mr. Frank were forced to march on the Death March. They both survived but Peter was caring for Mr. Frank when he was ill and not feeling well. They both made it to the next camp but Peter died when he got there, the horrible part is that they got there just three days before they would have been liberated.

5. I believe that the second most interesting person would have to be Mr. Frank. My reasoning behind this would be because he was always trying to find ways to tell people good news, by putting it in a good context. He also found everything. He found the Annex and made sure it was one that his family and the Vaan Dann’s could both stay in (Mr. Dussel wasn’t even know till later on) the annex. Everyone looked up to Mr. Frank for some sort of physiological help.

6. Anne and I are not very alike we have a few traits that separate us from some others. One is that Anne and I are always are able to cheer everyone up, whether it be just doing something kind of stupid or make a funny joke were always able to cheer people up and I see that as being a very important thing.

7. Some of the things that I think I would disagree with would be when she wants to do something or does something such as trying to cheer up a person or everyone but never thinks that it may hurt someone on the inside. Such as when she thought that “accidentally” spilling the milk would not hurt anyone and indeed it hurt Ms. Vaan Dann. She also never tried to work things out with her mother witch could have made them much better friends then they were, I seem to also have mother problems but not as badly.

8. I think that Anne would be so interested by all the technology and the incredible things that we have made today. When she was alive they had barely been making cars, know cars today can go all the way up to 220 mph. Another thing that would interest her so very much would be a computer. She’s always talking about how she wants to be a writer that would be her number one item.
December 17, 2010 12:36 AM
Cupertino, CA
Something I learned from reading Anne’s diary is that there are a lot of people in a lot worse conditions that me; and I should be thankful for what I have. Every six seconds, a child dies of hunger while I complain that my salad had too much dressing. There are many people off on the streets struggling to survive especially when the cold weather is kicking in. Anne had to suffer not only physically but mentally as well. These kinds of people make me realize how fortunate I am to have a family, friends to depend on, to have food on the table, have nice clothes to wear, a place to learn, and more than enough shoes to wear.
December 17, 2010 12:36 AM
Our class read Diary of Anne Frank during class, and I personally really liked the story. It taught me a lot about the Holocaust and about Anne Frank's life. I learned that Anne Frank had to live a very hard life, and even though she was in hard times, she still decided to have some fun. I envy her because in hard times, I would probably be sad, and the mood will be down for everyone. So next time, I will try to be more like Anne and make something happy out of it. Anne is a very strong girl because she was able to live in such hard conditions without her parents. If it was me, I probably wouldn't survive the first week because of the lack of food.
December 17, 2010 12:01 AM
After I read the book, "Diary Of Anne Frank," I really was surprised how painful it was not only hiding, but in concentration camps as well. I really admire Anne Frank writing and informing all of us today of what happened to her and other people. I wish more people can calamity like this read this book so we never have another huge ever again.
December 16, 2010 11:55 PM
After I read the Diary Of Anne Frank, I didn't really think of how painful it was to not only hiding, but when they got caught. I really feel sorry she died at such a young age, and admire her for informing everyone around the world today why this shouldn't happen again. This was an amazing book and I really wish more people will read this book.
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