Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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paige L.
December 22, 2008 08:07 PM
in the essay give it states that "everyone should be treated as equals". this should be a very true statement, but its not. not everyone is treated as equals. i agree with her that everyone should treat everyone should be treated as equals. but not everyone will and thats the hard part about it. if just every one did one thing for some one that is less fortunate then them selves than everyone would have happiness for some reason. i can relate because i have thought that everyone should be treated as equals since i could understand this. i have tryed to help people who are less fortunate and have done some good deeds. but thats not enough every one should do what anne frank tryed to do than the world would be at peace.
cody b.
December 22, 2008 07:09 PM
i think Anne Frank is a very inspirational person and important to history. Anne was a young girl who many people can realte to. Anne was a strong posative person and no matter what she would always look at the brightside of everything.
December 22, 2008 06:54 PM
Anne was a very intellegent girl that always knew the best thing to do even when the worst came to her. She wrote a diary not knowning that in the end she would effect the lives of millions and the fact she wasnt planning on being world wide, makes her story better. She was just a regular girl living in an upside down world. I like how she adapted to her lifestyle and still was a young girl.
December 22, 2008 06:33 PM
Anne Frank's story is an amazing and compelling story. It's deffinatly touching and you will learn a lot from it. Many people don't understand what life was like for people in War World II, especially in a teenagers point of view. Anne Frank has great detail in her all her writing, which makes it seem you where in the annex with her. She is one of the strongest, bravest girl I've ever read about, and I'd deffinatly recommend her story to everyone.
December 22, 2008 06:33 PM
In "Give"I thought Anne really related to the actual reality of the world. What we see as a beautiful, developed world, she saw as a world of unfairness, of the cruelty in the world. How people treat each other like Anne said was true. The people that see others as ugly are ugly themselves on the inside. Being ugly isn't lack of prettiness. Its how you treat others different than yourself. I thought that how Anne really saw the reality and truth of the world was amazing, how she saw past all the pretenses and looked at the real ugliness of the human race. I think that reading Anne's perspective will always affect me in what I do, now that I see that a single girl can see the flaws in our world. She is someone I would like to be friends with, bright, inspirational, with a clear, good heart. To have survived for over two years there must have taken great patience and imagination. and to survive as long as she did in concentration camps is really amazing. Anne has impacted the world with her story, because it is so heartfelt and forgiving for all of those people who did wrong in the war. Anne was a truly beautiful person on the inside, and her words will live on through her writing for hundreds of years on.
Taylor k
December 22, 2008 06:28 PM
Maynard MA
Anne Frank was an inspiring young woman. She gave hope to the people in the Annex when all was lost. Anne is and inspirational girl who touched millions of people's hearts with her writing. Her story was very moving for me. It made me open my eyes and see how horrible people can be to others just because of their religion. If I was in Anne's place, I don't think I would survive being cooped up all the time, not being allowed to talk above a whisper for hours at a time. Anne was so strong, smart, and intelligent, and I admire that about her. Her story touched my heart, and made me look at life differently.
russell w
December 22, 2008 06:23 PM
maynard ma
Anne is a bave person. She had done what most girls would not have done. She is not a person I can relate to much but we have the same thoughts that people should be treated equal.
Scott B
December 22, 2008 06:21 PM
The Diary of Anne Frank is far from the first time that I have been exposed to the cruelties and sufferings of many people, including Jews like Anne, during the reign of Nazi Germany. However, I did not see suffering and such from a third person view of the world, like in movies, etc, but from the eyes of a girl I would consider a peer. She knew what was going on, but she had an innocence, and at the same time a mature understanding of life, which were both expressed by her unique personality. I can only wonder how she managed, how she remained so strong at such a difficult time, especially for someone so young. If I had been in a situation like hers, I don't think I would have survived as long as she did. When you stop and actually think about the whole thing, it will dawn on you just how much of a tremendous person she was. How inspirational she was.
corinne g
December 22, 2008 06:10 PM
Anne Frank seemed pretty cool. She wrote a lot in her diary and seemed pretty smart. So yeah shes inspirational and stuff like that. The story was interesting, and fun to read. Anne Frank seemed like a very interesting person, and a friend you would want to have always.
Sarah S.
December 22, 2008 06:00 PM
Even though I read the play version instead of the actual book, I understood that Anne was a lively, energetic, and generous person.I can relate to her because I am the same age and sometimes feel how she feels. I thought that "Give" was really well-written and inspiring. It shows that, even today, people still treat each other differently even though everyone really is born equal. So many people have written about this subject but I thought that this was one of the best.
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