Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Vivian D.
December 22, 2008 05:56 PM
I learned quite a bit from reading this book. I thought it was interesting and great. The book expanded my knowledge about what it was like for a Jewish civilian to live during that time. Anne has changed the way I view people after I read the play version of her story. I felt bad about the genocide of the Jews because they DIDN'T deserve to die. They did nothing wrong, yet got "punished" by being sent to concentration camps to die. It was even more sad that the Jewish children never got to fulfill their future dreams because they got killed. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like just living in an attic for 2 years and having to be quiet for 10 hours each day! Everyone should realize that they shouldn't treat each other badly just because they are of a different race, act differently,etc. They should think about the reason why they acted the way they did to a person, group of people, etc. Anne Frank's story has changed a lot of people's view about life.
caity d
December 22, 2008 05:50 PM
Anne, is a amazing person in my opinion. At my age, she lived in hiding for two years, which i cannot believe possible. In my opinion i would not be able to live locked up, where you cant make a sound because the business people below will hear you. I can relate to her because i believe that because of the clothes you wear or the money you have, you shouldnt be treated differently than someone with great wealth and wonderful clothes.
December 22, 2008 05:40 PM
Wow. Anne's story is so amazing. She's a lot more mature than most people I know today, regardless of age. I admire her for keeping her such an optimistic attitude during the ordeal she had to endure while hiding in the secret annex, and I don't think I could've handled it half as well. She was only about the same age as I am when she went into hiding. And I really enjoyed her fairytale, "Eva's Dream". It really represents how some people let beauty go to their heads, and the personifacation of the flowers. And the essay, "Give!". That whole essay really reflects how she must have felt locked up in the secret annex, and how some believed they were better than others. Her story is amazing, and I'm so glad I got the chance to read it. Thanks, Anne. You inspired me, and many others, I'm sure.
Alex L
December 22, 2008 05:21 PM
Anne really made me think about how people treat people these days and even back then. I think "Give" was the most important part of this whole website. I teaches people to think before they just turn up their noses to the poor. It's a good way to explain to everyone that we're all equal and should all treat eachother equally. Even if you don't have money to share with the poor give them something else, something that might make them feel better than money ever will, give them a smile.
Samantha D
December 22, 2008 05:19 PM
I think the story Give was really intellectual. It affected me because it's so true. People that are poor or don't have good clothes or the "right" brands are made fun of. Also, if you act out weird or don't act like everyone else, or don't look average, you are made fun of and looked down upon. I know I can relate it, so I always know someone else went through the same thigns as me or some of my friends.
alyssa d
December 22, 2008 05:15 PM
over there
Anne Frank was a very intelligent person,she seemed wiser for only being a 13 to 15-year-old girl.In her essay, "Give", she really sums up what people how people should act. It's almost disgusting how people treat each other. What's a petty difference like boy or girl, Jewish or Christian, rich or poor? We kind of are all the same. Nobody is better than anybody else. Anne Frank saw that at age 13, why can't some people understand at 60? It's disappointing, what the world is like sometimes.
Andrew q
December 22, 2008 05:15 PM
The story didn't affect me that much as it may to others. After seeing the video it showed me how much time anne had and how smart she was. I liked how anne exspress how people can just ignore people that are lower class than them. I leaned so much more of anne than the play. I probably have to say that anne had a more aspect in life than other people such as grown ups.
December 22, 2008 05:07 PM
Right now, im in the middle of reading the Diary of Anne Frank. I think it is one of the most incredible books i have ever read. I like and can relate to Anne in many ways. She always states her opinions without a doubt in her mind and i can do that, just not always. I would recommend The Diary of Anne Frank to and young or teenage reader because it shows what someone back in the 194os that was their age,was thinking about. The thing on this website that most affected me would be the "Give" story. It is the truth that no one wants to believe. It tells how just because one is wealthier or one is poor, it doesn't really matter. We were all born equal, we just treat each other different. It really shows you the reality of the situation and how it could be fixed but no one is doing anything.the stories and diary entries about war are very sad. Anne Frank was a very influential person to many people and will be for many years to come.
Michael J
December 22, 2008 04:54 PM
The essay ,"Give," that Anne Frank wrote is a very inspirational essay. It affected me a lot because she was such a strong person and that she stayed positive through the whole experience of going into hiding for two years. Even though that Anne Frank lived a long time before me, she still wrote her diary entries from her ages of thirteen to fifteen, which is about my age. She was so young and wasn't depressed while she was away from her friends and her house. She definitely cannot relate to me. I would not be able to do the things that she did. She did not deserve to live the life that she did just because of her religion.
Dani Rocheleau
December 22, 2008 04:54 PM
maynard ma
Anne is a very inspiring and inteligent person. I think that I could relate to her in a way of how she expresses her opinions, and thoughts. Most girls are afriad to let people know who they really are, but in her diary, Anne tells so much about her, and her experiences that some how I feel i can relate. I am currently 13 and i can understand how Anne felt being in an attic for 2 years. She must have gone through a lot to not want to run outside and lay with the other childeren, or be able to go to the movies and hang out with your friends. The story affected me, becasue I never understood how the Jews felt being judged, and treated like dirt, but now from Anne I know that at times it was really hard, but you can always find something good about a negative situation. When Anne said that most people are disgused when they see a poor person asking them for money, and how rich people will treat them like dirt. I think that in a way Anne felt like that and was telling people that it's not fair to judge people if you dont't even know them. If Anne Frank was alive today she would be changing lives of the people who don't have as much as she does. As she would say there is good in everyones heart.
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