Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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December 21, 2008 03:33 PM
I was reading the Diary of Anne Frank, just trying to fathom what it'd be like to be hiding for 2 whole years. If we all really stop and think about it, do we think we could do the same? When we were as young as she was? I think that'd be really hard for the majority of us. Anne Frank is a real idol. She was strong and mature when she needed to be. She was bright and had an imagination that could lift her spirits and others' in times of need. This website is a great addition to reading the book. It gave me even more information and was able to show me things I didn't know.
Vincent Harpin
December 21, 2008 03:12 PM
Anne Frank was smart and understood life better then alot of people do. This made me look at how i see people and take a second to re-think my opinions about people in general. I belive that if everyone would listen to Annes advice inb give the world would be a better place. I think that if you disagree with what she says in give that you are a miser or you are very self indulged and big headed. Anne was a very intelagent person and I dont think i could relate to her because she was a much better person then i am.
Amanda P.
December 21, 2008 02:51 PM
Anne Frank was a very mature teenager. She went through hiding fromt the Nazis in a Secret Annex for 2 years. She had very good aspirations for herself if she ever came out of hiding. She wanted to be a writer and Otto Frank, her father, granted her wishes after her death. He published her diary. Her story is very well known, and Anne is an inspiration to many teenagers around the world. She was very brave and was very optimistic. Anne was always trying to cheer up her family and the Van Daans, a family that was in hiding with her. She played practical jokes on people and gave homemade Hannukah presents to everyone for the holidays. I am around Anne's age when she was in hiding and I cannot imagine having to go through the things that she did. It's too bad that Hitler killed almost the whole Jewish population because Anne would definitely be someone I would want to meet, if she were still alive. Her story is so well known and she inspires millions of people. She was a very creative girl in her writing. Her fairytale, "Eva's Dream" explains about the inner and outer beauty of a person. Anne was very smart and believed that everyone was good at heart! I believe that Anne's assumption is correct. It's really sad thinking about the war though, and all the hardships the Jews were put through. They were discriminated from the very beginning, not being able to attend the same schools as other children, to enter certain stores, or to ride bikes to places, etc. Then, many Jews had to pack up their most precious belongings, and either hide or leave their homes. It was a terrible time in history, but hopefully, we will learn from it. I know Anne has made me look at life from a different perspective, and see the good in even the worst of people out there. I feel really bad for all the people who suffered in the 1940's and I hope no one will ever be put through so much pain and misery again. Anne's heart and compassion will live on in her stories that thousands of people will or have read. I know she really got through to me. She really touched my heart. Thank You Anne. You were a wonderful person. People will learn from your actions.
Danny J.
December 19, 2008 09:48 PM
I thought that "The Diary of Anne Frank" was a very interesting story. What i got out of it was that i am very lucky to live in a world where we don't have to "hide in attics" based on our religion, and that we are all terated equally. Yes, she is someone that i can relate too, because as a teenager i can relate to some of Anne's sturggle like the need for independence. All in all, i think Anne Frank was a great person, and was and still is a true hero to us all!
December 18, 2008 01:34 PM
Anne has the biggest heart and the best personality I've seen and is always full of advice for the world. Her best advice (more like speech) is the diary entry "Give!".
Anne Frank is a hero and a legend to me, and I'll never forget her.
December 17, 2008 08:50 PM
Baltimore, Maryland.
I myself am not jewish but when i read the documents and saw the video it made me feel very sorry for all the jewish pple and what they were going through just because of their religion. Im actually doing a research project on her and learned a lot about how she hid in the little anex. She was brave for a fifteen yr me. I could never imagine doing that.
December 17, 2008 08:49 PM
United States
I am doing a project of Anne frank in my school and her story is amazing to me.... sometimes i wish I was in those times and be part of her family and tell what really happened. Anne looks like she had such a good childhood and had a such good family . And her dad looks like he was the best dad in the world for anne .....
December 16, 2008 07:01 AM
i love her story.. i think it is touching and that it's somewhat harsh the lives they live. i think Anne frank was brave and strong and she never lost hope.
Shis Kebab
December 10, 2008 11:40 PM
i think that the diary of anne frank is a great story and i am looking forward to reading it again someday.
December 10, 2008 04:24 PM
Over the rainbow
I think Anne was so brave, and she was only 14! Im 14, and i just can't imagine myself being in that situation, and the way Anne handled it is so impacting. She is an inspiration to me, and she tought me to be brave and to have faith even in the worst times. Luckily for me, i haven't lived anything compared to what she passed through (the consentration camps, etc).
I will never forget Anne Frank, she's a true legend.
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