Student Profile: Pinchas Weisskohl

Gender: boy
School: School #1
Weisskohl, Simcha
Nov 19, 2012, 02:11:57 pm

There were only 9 names that came up in the database when I did a search for "Weisskohl". The only boy, with occupation "Schüler" at the right age is WEISSKOHL, SIMCHA MENACHM/WEISSKOHL, SIMCHA. According to the database this person died 2.6.41. To me it looks like this is the most probable person but I am not entirely sure because it's not the same surname.

5 replies

Posted: Nov 19, 2012 02:19:16 pm

A few thoughts on your post:

1. If Simcha Weisskohl passed away in June of 1941, he could not have signed the album in September 1941, so this is not the person we seek.

2. We're going to want to look for a number of different spellings of Weisskohl and similar names (Wajskohl, Wajskol, Weiskohl, etc.). Since these names were hand-written in the album, and a number of them were written in Hebrew rather than Latin characters, we often find discrepancies between the spelling as the name was signed, the spelling as it appears in the list on this site, and the spelling as it appears in the database. Biases of transcribers, illegibility of handwriting, and biases of record-takers could all influence the way a name appears in any of these sources.

My suggestion is to search the database with a "fuzzy" search for the last name Weisskohl, with an "exact" search on the first name P*. Pinchas might also show up with a variety of different spellings (Pinkas, Pinkus, Pinches, etc.), so the P* search will give us all first names starting with P, with a last name that is similar to Weisskohl, thus accounting for most of the possible spelling changes to both names. Good luck!

Posted: Nov 19, 2012 02:20:39 pm

Actually, try searching with the alternate last name "wajskol" on a fuzzy search, with the P* first name. I think I found him!

Posted: Nov 19, 2012 02:27:35 pm

I tried the fuzzy search on Wajskol and the Exact search for P* but I cannot find him.

Posted: Nov 19, 2012 05:32:50 pm

What do you think about Pinkus Hersz Wajskohl?

Posted: Nov 19, 2012 06:36:23 pm

Thanks for the reply, I looked at him but he was born in 1935 and so he is not in the right age range for school #1 (1926 and 1932). What do you think?