Student Profile: E. Pawlowicz

Gender: boy
School: School #2
The Ghetto
Research Notes
Apr 17, 2013, 01:57:51 pm

We began looking further into the Pawlowicz name to find any possible relatives and were happy to find several individuals that had corresponding information. We firs discovered that Mejita, Ruchla, Abram, Chaim, Hinda, Raszka, Jankiel, Jenta, Salomon and Uszer Pawlowicz all lived in the same household at Sulz 52 21, and all of them moved to Dzialoszyn. We assume that either Eljasz had a large immediate family or that his extended family lived with him as well. Since Mejita was born in 1908, we believe that she was Elijasz’s mother. Also, based off our findings we feel that Abram, Chaim, and Jankiel could have been Elijasz’s elder brothers or elder relatives because they were born in 1927, 1923 and 1921 respectively. In addition, we feel that Hinda who was born in 1935, and Raszka who was born in 1939 could be Eljasz’s younger sisters or relatives. Moreover, we found that based of Ruchla (1900), Uszer (1911), Jenta (1895) and Salomon’s (1892) ages that they could be potential grandparents or elder aunts and uncles. Furthermore, we found that there was a number of Pawlowicz’s living in the house next door to Elijasz and his family. We assumed that Hinda, Pinkus, Raschka and Rucjla Pawlowciz could be potential extended family members of Elijasz because they lived in the house next door on Sulz 26 22 and that they shared the same last name

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