Student Profile: Lejzor Jachalowicz

Gender: boy
School: School #14B
Labor Camps
Research Roadblock
Apr 27, 2015, 11:37:46 pm
I have checked the available secondary sources, the Auschwitz memorial site, as well as the USHMM database for both Lejzor Jachalowicz as well as Luzer Jacholowicz and can't seem to find anything beyond the initial information that is given about the students general identity. This is my first attempt at searching for information aside from the students general identity, do the moderators or other users have any tips as far as other ways to spell the name or possible third party sites I could use for information? I am a little hesitant to use Google because I'm afraid to get the wrong information. Thank you!

1 reply

Posted: Apr 28, 2015 11:22:50 am
As a general rule, it is okay to use outside sources (including a Google search) as long as you find information in a reputable source and are able to explain why you think the data is reliable and accurate.

BTW -- I found that the following search in the USHMM's Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database provided additional data:

LAST NAME - Jocholowicz (fuzzy)
FIRST NAME - L* (exact)
BIRTH DATE - 1928 (+- 5 yrs)

Among other things, the Lodz Ghetto - Volume 5 database had a different (misspelling) of Luzer's name. Here's the record.


Date of Birth: 27 Dec 1927
Occupation: Schueler
Ghetto Address: Tal 32 54
Notes: Hanseat 70