Student Profile: Edzia Abbe

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls
Edzira Abbe
Oct 13, 2008, 05:36:26 pm
I found a website online for the Museum of Tolerance. I searched through Google and believe that the girl I found is the right person. Her real name is in fact Edzia Abbe and she was born in Lodz in 1926.

The link for the website is

2 replies

Posted: Oct 14, 2008 01:08:18 pm
It's possible that the Edzia Abbe mentioned on the Museum of Tolerance (MoT) site and the Estera Abbe listed in the Lodz Ghetto Database are the same person. For instance, they were both born in 1926.

However, there are other factors that suggest they may not be the same person. For example, the MoT site says that Edzia's parents were named Carola and Israel and she had a brother, Nathan. The Lodz Ghetto Database doesn't list anyone by those names as living at the same address as Estera.

So, who knows?

According to the MoT site, Edzia was sent as a forced laborer to Augsburg from which she was deported in May 1943 to an unknown fate. And according to a page of testimony submitted by her friend, Frida Griner, Edzia Abe/Abba (b. 1928) was deported to Auschwitz where she died.
Posted: Nov 19, 2009 11:21:14 am
I think that Edzira Abbe and Estera Abbe may be two different people. I found that on JewishGen that Estera Abbe was liberated from Bergen Belsen.