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Aug 23, 2015, 01:13:10 am

I am just checking that this site is still active and there is people still out there reviewing and marking off data...I just see alot of entries from 12 months ago still not looked at. Is this just a backlog problem? If there is nobody actually running and using the research project I will not waste my time that's all!

Just checking!!


1 reply

Posted: Sep 19, 2015 12:47:57 am
Hi Max,

A few months ago I sent Elissa Frankle a message about the site to be sure if it was still in operation. See below for what she told me in the email about the site. I loved this site and enjoyed doing the research and confirming the research others had done and I would hate to see the site shut down when there are still so many names and stories untold about the students. I haven't had much time in the last couple weeks to review any work since I've been busy with school but I'm planning to try and review a little more when I'm out on break.

"The site is still operational, and I'll have a class using it next week, so I'll be going through and trying to clear out the outstanding submissions. I would love to see you doing more work and letting the expert reviewers confirm it, too--thank you!

I'm pretty bummed about the state of the site, too. We may be closing it down in the next few months as we try to turn our efforts to new (and hopefully just as interesting!) projects in citizen history, and as I take a new job elsewhere in the Museum next month. I hope that we still keep the site up so that interested researchers like you can continue to work on the research and help find out what happened to the remaining students, and will definitely keep you posted as we come to conclusions about what we're doing with it.

Thanks for your continued interest--it means the world to me.
