Student Profile: F. Traube

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls
Labor Camps
Did not make it to the labor camps. Died
Oct 20, 2008, 04:38:19 pm
This person did not make it to the labor camps. She died in the Lodz Ghetto. There are records of her burial and grave on both the USHMM site and if you put her name on

1 reply

Posted: Oct 23, 2008 11:45:44 am
Where did you find information in the USHMM Web site that Fradla Traube died in the ghetto? I see what you are talking about with the Google search; there is a Website that lists names in the Lodz cemetery, and one of them is a woman named "Fradla Traube." However, where's the evidence to confirm whether that is the SAME "F. Traube" who signed the album?

Based on the Lodz Ghetto Database Vol. 5 and the Lodz Ghetto Hospital Death Records, we can see that there was a girl named Fradla Traube (born 24-Dec-1924 and a student) who died of tuberculosis on June 17, 1943. Perhaps she is the one who signed the album, and perhaps she is the person buried in the cemetery.

But there are also entries for a girl named Fradla Traube who was born in 1926. For now, we don't know whether or not they were the same person, or if they were not... who signed the album.