Student Profile: L. Tabakszmeker

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls
Auschwitz & Beyond
Archives of Flossenburg
Oct 24, 2008, 03:59:39 pm
I looked into the archives of Flossenbürg (RG30.005 Reel 2) and I could not find more information about Estera.

Nevertheless, I am pretty sure that Estera was the girl who was in the Lodz ghetto for the following reason:

There are four people listed with the name Tabakschmeker in the archives of Flossenburg.
Dirka born on 15/5/1900
Estera born on 15/7/1924
Jachwe born on 25/3/1930
Schmul born on 13/4/1899

When we look into the Jewishgen Volume 5, we could find 4 people with almost the same name and the same birth date:
Rywka Tabakszmaker born in 1900
Estera Tabakszmeker born on 14/7/1923
Jocheweta Tabakszmaker born on 25/3/1930
Szmul Tabakszmeker born on 13/4/1900

It seems really unlikely that it is a coincidence. Moreover, Dirka and Jachwe arrived the same day as Estera in Flossenburg (29/11/1944). Schmul arrived just one day before on 28/11/1944.

I believe that these four people are one family from Lodz ghetto that arrived in Flossenburg at the end of November 1944.
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