Student Profile: Hela Frenkel

Gender: girl
School: School #10B
Liberation & After
Identification of Individual
Oct 31, 2008, 03:45:12 am
This women was very difficult to identify. I could not find her within the Lodz Ghetto Database. None of the individuals with similar names were of the right gender or age bracket to enable this individual to sign the book. I did locate a Hela Frenkel within the Jewish World Congress Database who was from Lodz and liberated from Bergen Belson. This individual seemed a bit too old, with a birth date of 1921. Additionally, I couldn't locate this individual among survivor databases. It is plausible that she used a different name/spelling following liberation. I am stuck here.

Are there any known alternative spellings to the name Hela?

All suggestions welcome.

1 reply

Posted: Nov 19, 2008 05:04:11 pm
It's definitely possible that the Hela Frenkel liberated at Bergen Belsen is the same Hela Frenkel. However, you are correct that the birth date seems too old. It's always possible that she lied about her age or it was recorded incorrectly... Who knows? Without a record from the Lodz ghetto to identify her as the girl who signed the album, it's hard to know.

I've come across folks named Hela who also referred to themselves as Helen. But I can't find any record of a Helen Frenkel in Lodz either. Hopefully another lead will turn up.