Student Profile: Rozia Nagel

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls
Auschwitz & Beyond
December 1942 - August 1944
Nov 20, 2008, 11:14:59 am
According to the Jewishgen Database, Rojza has been deported on 23/12/1942. Nevertheless, I think it might be a mistake. It sounds more like she would have moved from Cranach Strasse 19 to Cranach Strasse 15 Flat 45.

The fact that she died of exhaustion three months and half after her arrival in Stutthof could let us think that she was already in bad shape when she arrived in this camp and that, consequently, she already worked in a labor camp from December 1942 until August 1944. Nevertheless, Jenny Zavatsky (the sister of Estera Lea Tabakszmeker) and Halina Reingold, who both went to Stutthof, describe the conditions of living in Stutthof as very very hard.

That is why I believe that Rojza stayed in the Ghetto from December 1942 until she was sent to Auschwitz.

1 reply

Posted: Sep 10, 2014 07:36:26 pm
No where on JewishGen does it say she was deported on 23 Dec 1942. Just because this information appears under the "Deported/Type" doesn't necessarily make it a deportation date.