Student Profile: Mosze Kalmanowicz

Gender: boy
School: School #1
Liberation & After
Birth date discrepancy
Apr 16, 2009, 12:19:37 pm
We have followed your research and found, like you, that Kalmanowicz is listed on JewishGen as being born in 1925 and on the Postwar List of Survivors in 1926. Hopefully the discrepancy can be resolved.

1 reply

Posted: Apr 17, 2009 01:59:24 pm
It looks like both of you skipped a step in Stage 2 of your research. Did either of you try searching the database of Lodz Transports to Chelmno in 1944?

I think you will find that there is an entry for Moiszesz Kalmanowicz (b. 1925) and living at the same address (Rubensstr. 4). He was deported on June 26, 1944 in transport 806 to Chelmno where he was almost certainly gassed on arrival. Perhaps you could enter this into the database?

For the other person you have been tracking, Moszek Kalmanowicz (b. 1926), what evidence do you have that he was even ever in the Lodz ghetto? His survival record indicates he was born in Kielce and liberated at Schleissheim. It's possible that he was once in the Lodz ghetto, but we don't have any direct connection, do we?