Student Profile: Jerzy Berger

Gender: boy
School: School #1
Labor Camps
Oct 2, 2009, 04:50:23 pm
I found a record in the Auschwitz database of a Jerzy Berger, but because it includes no information about his age or where he came from and because there is no note about deportation in the Lodz database, I'm not sure if this is the same person. According to the Auschwitz records, Jerzy Berger's serial number was 2943 and he was transferred to the Flossenburg concentration camp in 1944.

1 reply

Posted: Oct 3, 2009 12:11:17 pm
You are correct to be cautious about this data. Without a birth date or even a birth place, it is not possible to confirm that this is the same Jerzy Berger. However, I would like you to enter this information into the data fields nonetheless, and I will mark it as "possible." That way, it will be easier for future researchers to revisit your data. You are doing a great job! FYI - The abbreviation: przen means "transferred." Since many Lodz Jews were transferred from Auschwitz to Flossenbuerg in 1944, this is a definite possibility. Though, the fact that he has a prisoner number means he was actually registered at Auschwitz, which happened to only a small percentage of the Lodz Jews sent to Auschwitz. So, who knows? Check out the secondary sources for more information about Lodz Jews sent to Auschwitz and the ones transferred to Flossenbuerg.