Student Profile: Sara Ita Lapides

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls
Sara Ita Lapides
Nov 11, 2009, 02:05:06 pm
First, I searched Sara Ita Lapides and I found one person born on October 14 1926. Then I decided to look for last names that sounded similar without searching her first name to see if i could find any family. When I did this I found another person with the name Sara Ita Lupides. Sara Ita Lapides has two adresses CRANACH 19 HANSEATEN 27 50 and on October 23, 1942 something happend to her but it is not specified so I am assuming she moved within the ghetto. the other Sara Ita Lupides has a different address in teh Ghetto but the same birthday. She lives FRANZ 76. Under ghetto notes it says WEISENHAUS which in german means orphanage so I am thinking she could have become an orphan and moved to qn orphanage after 1942. When I search sounds like Lapides I also found a list of names MIRIAM LAPIDES, MANIEK MOJSZE LAPIDES, JAKUB LAPIDES, who also live Franz 76 and under ghetto notes says Weisenhaus, so they might have been related.

1 reply

Posted: Nov 18, 2009 06:13:09 pm
Interesting. Good research!