Student Profile: M. Ingber

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls
The Ghetto
Ghetto Note
Dec 15, 2009, 02:28:02 pm
There is a Ghetto Note for Malka Ingber in the Lodz Ghetto Registry that simply says "19.1.43." I am assuming this is a date (January 19th, 1943) but am unsure what its significance is. It could potentially be either a date of death or date of deportation.

In the secondary sources, there is an arrival of prisoners from Lodz to Auschwitz on January 30th. Could it have potentially taken 11 days for Malka Ingber to be deported from Lodz on Jan 19th and then arrive at Auschwitz on Jan 30th?

OR, there was also an arrival at Auschwitz from Lodz on January 19th, 1944. Maybe, being January, somebody wrote "43" instead of "44" out of habit?

Both "Malka Ingber" and "Matla Ingber" seem to disappear from records after this point, so that could also give weight towards considering it a date of death.
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