Student Profile: H. Waks

Gender: boy
School: Gymnasium and high school for boys
Hersz Waks
Feb 21, 2011, 03:56:13 am

Re the question of whether there are one or two Hersz Waks's and if he was born in 1927 or 1928 -- please note that in the Lodz ghetto list not only Hersz Waks, but other members of his family also seem to have been listed two or even three times with different birthdates and addresses, as follows:

At Zachodnia 36 and Ambach 9/5 are: Josek Pinkus, b. 9/4/1902, Chana Brana, b. 15/3/1809 (obviously a mistake!), Alter, b. 15/9/1926, Hersz Lajb, b. 26/4/1928 and Dwojra Ester, b. 1/1/1931.

At Lipowa 9 and Ambach 9/7 or 9/17 are: Fajgla, b. 9/4/1902, Alter, b. 7/7/1925, Dwojra, b. 15/9/1930, and Hersz, b. 2/4/1927.

At Ambach 9/6 are: Josef, b. 1902, and Hersz, b. 1928.

I don't know which of the above entries came first or which birthdates are more accurate, but I think it is pretty clear that this is one family and that there was only one Hersz (and one Alter, one Dwojra and one Josef; Fajgla was probably the mother but note the same birthdate as the father, and with the mistake in Chana Brana's birth date it's hard to tell what was meant here -- she might have been a grandmother, born in, say, 1890).

1 reply

Posted: Feb 23, 2011 11:09:54 am

Thanks for going through so many names to track all of these down. My thoughts:

Dwojra and Alter are a pretty clear transposition of one another (Dwojra's 1/1 becomes Alter's 7/7, and the 15/9 is an exact analogue)

The Am Bach addresses (9/7, 9/6, 9/17) appear likely transpositions and explains why Josef shows up separately from the rest of his family in 9/6.

My only questions are: -Why does Hersz show up three times? and -What's with Chana and Fajgla? Chana is listed as being born in 1899 and Fajgla in 1902. Those are the only two whose transpositions are not immediately clear, and I'd want to know more before making a call on who Hersz' mother was.

You can go ahead and enter Hersz' other two possible birthdates into stage 1, if you wish. Thank you for your wonderful work!