Student Profile: Judyta Borenstein

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls
The Ghetto
Change of address
Nov 29, 2011, 01:10:40 pm

It appears that Jochweta stayed in the Lodz Ghetto. She has a change of address from Franz 61 42 to Sulzf 41, however no date is given so we can not place in the data charts above. There are no deportation dates, so we can infer that she died in Lodz.

1 reply

Posted: Nov 29, 2011 01:16:50 pm

We can't actually assume anything just by knowing her addresses. Please enter both into the "ghetto address" fields on stage 1.

We cannot draw conclusions without data to back them up. If we don't have a deportation date, or date of moving, or date of death, all we know is that we don't have that information. We don't know that she died; we don't know where she died. Perhaps someday we will, when more records are available to us. For now, we do the best we can and draw conclusions based only on the evidence at hand: she was a student who moved at least once within the city of Lodz.