Student Profile: Mania Galanter

Gender: girl
School: School #5
Ignore the comment section
Nov 29, 2011, 09:52:26 pm

*I couldn't get the comment section to work properly, and it wouldn't let me update it, so I'm just putting everything in the discussion section. Please disregard the comment section above.

Mirjem has the abbreviation UMZ; however, this abbreviation was not given so I googled it. I only came up with the names of Universities and some scientific meanings, thus I am assuming that because UM and UMG both mean that the person was relocated, that UMZ also means relocation. In addition, the date next to the abbreviation could be the relocation date, February 10, 1944, and this means that Mirjem was alive then and could have potentially survived the entirety of the war. The "W" and "1" next to the date are foreign to me, I'm not sure what they mean, but the only W on the abbreviations depicts a change in registration of address, so maybe the change in address is being expressed here?

I also looked up information on Malka, the only other possible option that could have been Mania, but I still don't think it's a match. Interestingly enough, Malka is "kind" in occupation just as Mirjem was, even though I'm not sure what this means. Also, Malka had a change of registration to a new address in 1944 which means she too could have survived the entirety of the war. In addition, Malka also changed her address as did Mirjem. No birthplace was given for either girl, and despite their similarities I still think Mirjem

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