Student Profile: H. Bregman

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY: sfbregman Contributing Researcher
Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Chaja Bregman
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Birth Date:
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
User Comments:
There was no H Bregman who would have been the correct age to be at the Gymnasium and high school for girls. We looked into the possibility of her being Chana Perla Bregman but she was too young (the database said her occupation was kind which means child) to be at the Gymnasium and high school for girls. Chana can be written as Hana so H is a possible nickname for her. We then looked into Chaja Bregman. Then we googled Chana and Chaja to see if Chaja can be abbreviated as H: . We found out that Chana and Chaja can be placed together, therefore we are assuming that Chaja wrote H initial when she signed the book. This makes it possible that Chaja Bregman is H Bregman.
Approver Comments:
Thank you for submitting such thorough research! You are correct that there is no entry that abbreviates to H. Bregman that is of the right age and gender. Your link is helpful, as it shows that Chana and Chaja are interchangable, and there is a good possibility that Chaja did in fact abbreviate her first name to "H". While it is a good theory, it is only, at best a possibility, and there is no way to confirm that H. Bregman is definitely the same person as Chaja Bregman. However, we do not know for sure that the intial "H" is not an abbreviation for Chaja. Therefore, it is a possibility that H. Bregman is Chaja Bregman. Good work and thank you for your effort!
Stage 2: The Ghetto
Father's Name:
Izrael Lajb Bregman
Hospital, Labor, Deportation, and Administrative Records from the Lodz Ghetto
Mother's Name:
Ita Bregman
Hospital, Labor, Deportation, and Administrative Records from the Lodz Ghetto
User Comments:
After finding three other people with the last name Bregman living in Kelm 28 6, we linked Marjem, Izrael Lajb, Ita, and Chaja Bregman together. Izrael Lajb and Ita's birth dates are reasonable for having children Marjem and Chaja's age. It is also reasonable for them to be married (Izrael Lajb's birth date is 3/3/1891 and Ita's birth date is 1900). Marjem is able to be Chaja's younger sister since they are only 4 years apart (Marjem's birth date is 24/9/1928) and they are both students.

In the room next to the Izreal Lajb Bregman family (Kelm 28 6) is another Bregman family of Hersz, Estera Malka, and Chana Perla Bregman. They are living in Kelm 28 5. This leads us to believe that the two Bregman families are possibly related, maybe close extended family.
Approver Comments:
Good research! Ita and Izrael Lajb's birthdates would place them of the right age to be Chaja's parents, and it is also incredibly likely that Marjem Bregman is Chaja's younger sister. And you are likely correct that the Bregman's living in a nearby room are extended family. It is almost definite that Izrael Lajb, Ita, and Marjem are the respective father, mother, and sister of Chaja Bregmam. However, it is only possible that they are the family of H. Bregman, as we cannot confirm that the Chaja Bregman is the same person as the H. Bregman who signed the album.
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
User Comments:
Although we are unable to find Chaja Bregman in any of the further databases, we found Chaja's father arriving at Dachau Concentration Camp in 1/9/1944. Due to his professional job we are assuming that he is the only surviver of his family at this camp since the rest of his family's job were of lesser value to the Lodz Ghetto.
Approver Comments:
Good research. In the JewishGen Dachau Concentration Camp database, there is an Israel Bregman listed as arriving on September 9, 1944. However, we would appreciate it if you would list your source so future researchers would not have to repeat your steps as we had to. While it is possible that Chaja's father survived long enough to arrive at Dachau through his occupation in the medical field, we do not know that for sure and cannot assume that is the reason. Lastly, while we know that the father of Chaja Bregman arrived at Dachau in September of 1944, we are still not sure that Chaja Bregman is H. Bregman. Therefore, it is a possibility that the father of the H. Bregman who signed the album arrived at Dachau on that date. Please add your source, and thank you very much for your research.
Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage