Student Profile: Lonia Zonenberg

Gender: girl
School: School #10B

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY: joshstm Contributing Researcher
Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Lonia Zonenberg
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Birth Date:
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
User Comments:


WE know this to be correct because she went to school 10B

 which had girls age 9 to 15 meaning they were born between

1926 and 1932. Lonia was born on january 1, 1931. which means

she was 10 in september of 1941. when we searched her name we found two different names

a Leonie Zonenberg and a Leonja Zonnenberg, which we bellieve to both be Lonia Zonenberg beacause

they all have the same birth date and ghetto adress.

Approver Comments:
Please read the comment below again and follow carefully.


You're on the right track to figuring this one out. As you say, someone with the last name Zonenberg born in 1931 was of an appropriate age to have attended school #10b in 1941, when she would have signed the album.

When I search the database, though, I don't find a Lonia. I do find a Leonie Zonenberg, born January 31, who lived at Sulzfelderstrasse 51, apartment 20 (the address you give). Where did you find her name spelled "Lonia" in the database?

More interesting: when I search for the variation Zonnenberg (2 "n"s), there's a Leonja Zonnenberg, also born January 31, 1931, who lived on Sulzfelderstrasse. Think they're the same person?

What I need you to do:
1. Enter both spellings of her name from the database
2. Copy the full addresses, occupations and ghetto notes into the comment field, noting which one goes with Leonie or Leonja; this will help you in the next stages.

Her full address is Sulzfelderstrasse 51, apartment 20.

Great work figuring out that she was the right student, though. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you find in stage 2.
Stage 2: The Ghetto
No research performed on this stage
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage
Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage