Student Profile: Fajwel Dzialowski

Gender: boy
School: School #5

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY: Markus.Brandon Contributing Researcher
Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Fajwel Dzialowski
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Birth Date:
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
User Comments:
Ghetto Address:  KELM 67 5
Ghetto Address:  MOLTKE 39

The search results for "Fajwel Dzialowski" brought back one hit. The birthdate if Fajwel lands on 1/6/1924   [June 1, 1924] which fits the time frame for the students which makes me think that he was one of the Children of Lodz.

Approver Comments:
I agree that Fajwel born in 1924 is the most likely candidate to have signed the album with this name, even though his date of birth puts him a little bit older than what we would expect for school #5 in 1941 (but everything is always possible in the ghetto in wartime). I'm going to mark this record as possible for now, but I hope we find more evidence to support that this is the right Fajwel! Thank you for listing his addresses; see you in stage 2.
Stage 2: The Ghetto
No research performed on this stage
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
Birth Date:
Prisoner Registration, Transport and Death Lists
Arrived at Camp:
Prisoner Registration, Transport and Death Lists
Prisoner #:
Prisoner Registration, Transport and Death Lists
Place of Birth:
Prisoner Registration, Transport and Death Lists
Camp Deported/Transferred to:
Buchenwald, Germany
Prisoner Registration, Transport and Death Lists
Registered as a Prisoner at:
Buchenwald, Germany
Prisoner Registration, Transport and Death Lists
User Comments:

Having used the Prisoner Registration, Transport and Death Lists sources, I found "Fajwel Dzialowski" but under a different birthdate. In stage 1 I had marked his birthdate on June 1, 1924 but in stage 4 I found a "Fajwel Dzialowski" with a birthdate of May 6, 1927 putting this Fajwel at 3 years younger, could this be a better fit for a student at a "School #5"?

Also, the Prisoner Registration, Transport and Death Lists provided the place of birth for "Fajwel Dzialowski" at Lodz. It gave us the date of arrival at the Buchenwald camp on January 23, 1945. It marked him as a "Schuler-Student" and marked his prisoner category as a Pole Jude.

With this new found information, could this be our "Fajwel Dzialowski" instead?

Approver Comments:
You're right--1927 would be a better fit for school #5. I believe you've found the right person. What an incredible find! I wonder why there is no record of him in the database on stage 1, but that is one of the great unanswerable historical questions, I suppose. What do you think? Can you find anything else out about this Fajwel?

Thank you for sharing this with us!
Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage