Student Profile: Chaim Finkelsztajn

Gender: boy
School: School #13B

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY: LioraGubkin Contributing Researcher
Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Chaim Icchok Finkelsztajn
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Chaim Finkelsztajn
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Birth Date:
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
User Comments:

Two Chaim Finkelsztajns are listed born between 1926 and 1931. Chaim Fikelsztajn born April, 4, 1926 had arbeiter listed as his occupation. Chaim Icchok Finkelsztajn has schueler listed as his occupation, so I think he is the student who attended school 13b

Approver Comments:
I agree that Chaim Icchok is the likelier choice, given that his occupation is listed as "Schueler," as you say; however, depending on when the record for the 1926 Chaim was taken, the "Arbeiter" designation might refer to time spent in the workshops after the closure of the schools (ie, the record we're seeing might have been made after the album was signed). I encourage you to keep track of both the 1930 and 1926 Chaims as you go through the next stages--maybe you'll find more that will convince you one way or another!

Also note their addresses: 1926 Chaim at Cranach 2 #15, and 1930 Chaim at Talweg 7 #5 and Legionow 12.

See you in stage 2!

See you in stage 2!
Stage 2: The Ghetto
No research performed on this stage
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage
Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage