Student Profile: Dawid Lewin

Gender: boy
School: School #14B

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY: weasterwood Contributing Researcher
Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Dawid Mosek Lewin
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Birth Date:
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Ghetto Street Address:
Matrosen, 16
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Approver Comments:
I agree that this name is the same as the one that was signed in the album. At 18 years old, though, this Dawid looks like a better candidate for Gymnasium (high school) than school #14b. That said, I'm not sure there are any other candidates I like better. Icchok Dawid Lubin is the only one who catches my eye--born in 1929, he would have been the right age for the school, and it is possible that he signed his middle and last names. What do you think?

Please also enter the full street names for Dawid Lewin using the drop-down menus: Matrosenstrasse 16 and Muhlgasse 45 #2. Thanks!
Stage 2: The Ghetto
No research performed on this stage
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage
Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage