Student Profile: Luba Lola Herszenberg

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY: EvanBoli Contributing Researcher
Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Luba Lola Herszenberg
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Birth Date:
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
User Comments:

I unlocked all of the stages so I could use the databases in all of them.  Once I got to stage 5 I opened the post-war database and put in Herszenberg.  I didn't find any of my Herszenbergs but I did find a new database in one of the many Herszenberg names I clicked on.  It's called  I put in the Herszenberg surename and it came up with a lot of databases.  The one that really caught my eye was the "Lotz Ghetto List" which had 105 names in it.  So I opened it up and saw - 4 names from the top - Abram Herszenberg who I was looking for, since you wanted me to find more on him.  I confirmed his DOB to be 21/12/1898 and he had an "address" of Aleja 1 Maja 121.  The reason for the quotes was that was what the database listed.  Because he had a "Ghetto House" of Hamburger Strasse 21 Flat 76, and and Occupation of a "Manipulant".  Everywhere I searched a Manipulat was a manipulator, so I don't really understand what his occupation was, what did he manipulate?  I also confirmed that Gilta Herszenberg is the real one and the she does not have a twin sister named Guta.  Gilta's DOB is 08/08/1924, has an address of Wald Strasse 23, a Ghetto House of Hamburger Strasse 21 Flat 76 and an Occupation of Schuelerin.  Since she has an Occupation of Schuelerin does that mean she would be on the list? I looked at the list on this site and she wasn't on it, but there was a lot more names than what are on the site.  I also confirmed Luba's correct birthday to be 31/12/1925, so I deleted the wrong one.  She also had the same address and Ghetto House as her mother and sister.  Does the address versus the Ghetto House mean anything? it had a space for a change of address and it was blank for the whole family.  Could one of the addresses be their address before they were moved to the Ghetto?  I don't really understand the father's "address" as Aleja 1 Maja 121, I couldn't find it on anything else.  I apologize if I am scatter-brained in the comment, I'm pretty excited at this find.

Approver Comments:
I'm very glad to hear how excited you are! It is quite thrilling when you stumble on more information that confirms or expands upon what you knew before.

Sadly, JewishGen works off the same database that we do, so the information that appears to be confirmed is actually the same information. However, you've raised some pretty good questions, so I want to answer those:
-To the unasked question about using databases to confirm: take all information with a grain of salt, since, again, there's always the possibility for typos, transcription errors, transliteration differences, etc. That said, I do think the Gitla/Guta question might have been cleared up by the cross-check, as well as the issue of Luba's date of birth, since these were already questionable. I would want to see one more confirming source before we go ahead with either, but I'm more convinced now that they're correct.
-Address vs. ghetto house: might be a distinction JewishGen uses in its organization of the information; either way, they're both street addresses in Lodz at which Abram lived at some point during the period in which the records were taken. As you suspect, it is possible that one is the address before the move into the ghetto; it is also possible that the date of the change of address was irrelevant to the purpose of why the data was being collected.
-Manipulant: doesn't mean a manipulator (as in someone who is manipulative), but rather might have meant a mechanic or another form of technical job. (There's really no good English equivalent for the German, unfortunately.)
-Gitla on the student list: she may well be, we just don't know yet. We estimate that 14,000 students signed the album, from about thirty different schools (closer to 40-45 if you count, say, 13a and 13b as different schools). Here on the tech side at USHMM, we add names to the project for you all to research by school (ie, we've recently added everyone who signed for schools 5, 7a, 13b, etc.), but not until we can confirm a general age range for the students who attended that school, which we usually do by tracking down class lists for each school for 1940-1941. Since the process to get any school list prepared to go on the website is pretty labor-intensive, we've so far only put eight or so schools' worth of names up for research. I encourage you to keep up with the project after Professor Gamber's class, if you like, to see if Gitla (or Guta or G.) Herszenberg does show up in another class list.

I commend you for your attention to detail, your perserverance, your inquisitive spirit, and your enthusiasm in looking for and discovering new data and new ways to interpret it. This was a fascinating comment. Please keep up the excellent work.
Stage 2: The Ghetto
Father's Name:
Abram Herszenberg
Hospital, Labor, Deportation, and Administrative Records from the Lodz Ghetto
Mother's Name:
Estera Chana Herszenberg
Hospital, Labor, Deportation, and Administrative Records from the Lodz Ghetto
User Comments:

We found two addresses for Luba.  Wald 23 1 and Hamburger 21 76.  We can't add them since we do not have a date.  We also found a possible mother, father and two sisters. The two sisters are twins because they both have the same birthday August 6th 1924 and have different names.  The mother and the father's birthdays are in the appropriate age to be parents. Since they all had the same address and change of address we are very sure that they are all related.  I could not find a place to add siblings.

Approver Comments:
I agree with you about Luba's mother and father (although I do want to know more about Abram's address and birthdate conflicts we uncovered in stage 1!), but I'm a bit iffier on the twins. Gitla and Guta, listed with the same birthdate in this database, could be twins--or could be the same person, and we could be looking at a transcription error from a handwritten document. (Try writing Gitla and Guta in cursive; an overextended stroke across the T might lead someone typing up the handwritten document to read "Git" as "Gut," or vice versa.) The Herszenberg story gets more interesting the more you find out--I'm really interested to see what happens as you track the family through the next stages of research.
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage
Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage