Student Profile: Ita Wolkowicz

Gender: girl
School: School #10B

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY: trinni525 Contributing Researcher
Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Ita Wolkowicz
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Birth Date:
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
User Comments:
According to the given birth date, it would make sense that the birth date found pertains to the correct individual.

Also, I found records for a "Bezalel Wolkowicz" a boy who was born 23/2/1918, meaning he was 13 years older than Ita. However, records on the database show that they lived at the same exact address and were both deported at the same time to Chelmno (AUSG TR 16). It would be strange if he were a sibling, because of the age difference, but I also couldn't imagine that someone had a child at the age of 13, so I wouldn't want to assume that Bezalel would be her dad either. Perhaps an uncle or cousin? Bezalel also doesn't have the occupation of a student, but of a hosiery worker.

Furthermore, I found information on a "Ruchla Wolkowicz" born 25/2/1890... making the age difference between her and Ita 41 years. I am not sure if people had children at such an age those days but it's possible that this may be her mother or some other elderly relative because again, I found the same address (RAUCH 38, RAUCH 38 10) and same note of deportation (AUSG TR 16).
Approver Comments:
Good research! You are most likely correct that the Ita Wolkowicz you found is in fact the Ita Wolkowicz who signed the album in 1941. As for Bezalel Wolkowicz, you are right that he is a relative, however, I agree that he would possibly be a uncle or cousin, and not the father. You are right that Ruchla is a possible contender for Ita's mother, however your suspicion that she is either an aunt or other relative is also a distinct possibility.
Stage 2: The Ghetto
Transport #:
Hospital, Labor, Deportation, and Administrative Records from the Lodz Ghetto
Camp Deported/Transferred to:
Chelmno, Poland
Hospital, Labor, Deportation, and Administrative Records from the Lodz Ghetto
User Comments:
Ita probably died at Chelmno, seeing as that’s where people were deported to be burned in the chambers.
Approver Comments:
You are correct about the transport number, but because there is no date, we are not sure if Ita was deported to Chelmno or another camp. While it is very possible that Ita perished at Chelmno, we don't know for sure if she was there or elsewhere. Good job and thank you for your research.
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage
Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage