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Hear From a Survivor

The Museum’s Office of Survivor Affairs offers schools, civic groups, military bases, and other institutions nationwide the opportunity to hear a Holocaust survivor share his or her experiences. Every year, our survivor speakers reach hundreds of different audiences, here at the Museum, across the country, and abroad. The Museum is pleased to coordinate programs for student groups grade six and above.

Virtual Programs

We are offering opportunities to connect with a survivor remotely via video conference. Our virtual programs take place via Zoom and last approximately one hour. These programs consist of a 30-minute interview between a Museum staff member and a Holocaust survivor followed by time for questions and comments from the audience.

We can accommodate up to 300 connections for each of these video conferences and require a minimum of 30 participants. Due to the large number of requests we receive and the limited number of available speakers, it is possible that other groups may join your group for this video conference. We cannot guarantee private programs.

As a general practice, our office records these programs for the Museum’s records and use. The recording can be shared with your school/institution upon receipt of a signed release form prior to the program. (View a sample form for your information.)

Guidelines for Arranging a Survivor Presentation

We have created this guide with both the hosting organization and the survivor community in mind and hope that our suggestions will help your organization consider the survivors’ comfort and well-being as you plan for your program.

How can I Request a Holocaust Survivor Speaker?

Through the Museum’s Office of Survivor Affairs

Please e-mail to request a survivor to speak to your group virtually. The Museum will make every effort to accommodate the requests we receive. Due to the large number of requests for programs at the Museum, multiple groups may be combined into a single program.

The Museum does not charge a speaker’s fee, but does gratefully accept donations to support the Museum’s educational mission. No attendance fee may be charged nor can funds be raised at any program featuring a speaker who has been provided by the Museum. All associated costs are the responsibility of the requesting organization.

When requesting a survivor to speak you will need to provide the following information:

  • Name and location of organization

  • Proposed date, time, and purpose of program (please provide multiple date options)

  • Audience profile (age, total number of participants, number of separate connections)

  • Topics of interest and any preparation or relevant activities taking place prior to the event

  • Name, phone number, and e-mail address of program coordinator

The Museum will communicate directly with the survivor and provide all relevant information.

Through an Organization in Your Community

You may wish to consult the Association of Holocaust Organizations to find out if there is a speakers bureau near you that works with Holocaust survivors.