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Adapting Museum Resources for All Students

Professional Development Training Videos for Educators

Learn more about the resources the Museum creates to ensure lessons have accommodations and remove barriers to learning, including materials in Spanish. Collection of 4 videos.

  • Video length: 7 minutes

    Educators want all of their students to succeed. The Museum works with teachers, students, and special education experts to ensure lessons and resources have accommodations and modifications, removing barriers to learning and providing inclusion for all students.

  • Video length: 6 minutes

    This video presents how to find lesson plans, teacher training materials, classroom videos, and more.

  • Video length: 9 minutes

    13.5% of US residents speak Spanish at home, and Spanish is the most prevalent home language for student English learners. The Museum has translated essential educational resources into Spanish to meet the needs of this growing student population.

  • Video length: 11 minutes

    Teachers often pair art assignments with Holocaust lessons because they can be unsure how to assess student learning. Learn frameworks for art assignments that ensure respect for the victims and survivors while avoiding unintentionally glorifying Nazi imagery.