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Primera Persona Serie de Podcasts

Esta serie de podcasts presenta extractos de entrevistas con sobrevivientes del Holocausto realizados para el programa público, Primera Persona: conversaciones con sobrevivientes del Holocausto.

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  • Estelle Laughlin: Post-Liberation Struggles

    Estelle Laughlin discusses her liberation by Soviet troops in January 1945 from the Czestochowa concentration camp in Poland. In the days immediately following liberation, she and her mother and sister encountered both hostile and helpful people as they traveled through Poland and struggled to rebuild their lives.

  • Regina Spiegel: Separation at Auschwitz

    Regina Spiegel discusses her deportation from the ghetto in Pionki, Poland, and her arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi killing center. She and her boyfriend, Sam, were deported together in 1944 but were separated upon arrival at Auschwitz.

  • Julius Menn: Flight from Invading German Troops

    Julius Menn discusses his family's flight eastward from advancing German troops invading Poland in September 1939. Julius's family escaped from Bialystok, Poland, to Vilna, Lithuania, eventually making their way through the Soviet Union to Palestine, where they had previously lived.

  • Manya Friedman: Death March to Ravensbrück

    Manya Friedman discusses her evacuation from Gleiwitz, a subcamp of Auschwitz, to the Ravensbrück concentration camp in January 1945. In an effort to cover up their crimes and prevent prisoners from falling into enemy hands, the Nazis evacuated prisoners in what became known as death marches.