Student Profile: A. Ginsberg

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls
Other Ginsbergs (Not necessarily related to this family, but there are a few Ginsbergs who might possibly be the same person)
Apr 11, 2010, 02:59:42 pm
There could have been some mistakes when the information was taken down, because there are many repetitions that are too coincidental.

1) Mozes Miczysla Ginsberg & Moses Miecz Ginsberg

Both born on Feb. 24, 1925. Both have the same occupation (schueler). Both have the same 2 addresses (Hitler 142 and then Korn 15 4)

2) Pinkus Hilel Ginsberg & Pinus Motel Ginsberg

Both male. Birth day of Pinkus is 19/1/1905 and birthday of Pinus is 19/11/1905. This could have been a typo because an extra '1' could have been written down or taken away, altering the birth month. They could have been brothers born within the same year. Technically the mother could have birthed two children in one year, but it seems highly unlikely and highly coincidental that they were both born on the 19th. They both had the address (A.M., Sulzf 7 59).

3) Rafal Ginsberg & Rafal Ginsberg

Both male. One was born on July 31. 1893 and the other July 30, 1893. One of them had one address documented and the other had two. They shared a common address, Sulzf 6A 6. The second documented address for one of the Rafal Ginsbergs was OST 76, that same Rafal had the occupation Verwalter and died on Mar. 16, 1943.

4) Regina Rywka Ginsberg (RRG) & Regina Ginsberg (RG)

Both female. Birthday of Regina Rywka Ginsberg is March 11,1932 and Regina Ginsberg is March 11, 1933. This could have been a mistake when recorded. Both had same address, Seigfried 30 4. However RRG had a little bit more information than RG. RRG's occupation was Scheulerin and she changed her address on Oct 5, 1942 to Matros 17.

5) Ruchla Leja Ginsberg (RLG) & Ruchla Ginsberg (RG)

Both female. Both born 1865. RG and RLG had the same address (Siegrfried 16 2) RG had more infromation listed. The extra information includes and additional address (Pomarska 54). Her registration changed May 5, 1940.

6) RacEHla Ginsberg & RacHEla Ginsberg

Both have the same birthday (May 1, 1927). Both have the same address (Matrosen 17 3 and Siegfried 30). Same occupation (Arbeiteran). RacEHla had a change of registration to new address on Oct 7, 1942.

As a sidenote, Rywka Ginsberg is possibly related to Rachela Ginsberg. She shared the same two addresses and had a change of registration on Oct. 7, 1942 as well. They also had the same occupation. They are NOT the same person because Rywka was born on March 11, 1932.
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