Student Profile: Hinda Adler

Gender: girl
School: School #10B

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Hinda Cypa Adler
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 10/23/2013; Possible | Researcher: shutch1
Hinda Cypra Adler
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 5/28/2008; Possible | Researcher: lexydeg
Hinda Rywka Adler
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 5/28/2008; Possible | Researcher: lexydeg
Hinda Rywka Adler
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Status: Submitted 11/12/2010; Possible | Researcher: donna.michellee
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 5/28/2008; Possible | Researcher: lexydeg
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Status: Submitted 11/12/2010; Possible | Researcher: donna.michellee
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 5/28/2008; Possible | Researcher: lexydeg
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 10/23/2013; Possible | Researcher: shutch1
Ghetto Street Address:
Braune Gasse, 5, 33, Lodz, Poland, Lodz Ghetto, Poland
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 10/23/2013; Possible | Researcher: shutch1
Place of Birth:
Kalisz, Poland
Source: JewishGen
Status: Submitted 11/12/2010; Possible | Researcher: donna.michellee
Nowo Zarzewska, 16, Lodz, Poland
Source: JewishGen
Status: Submitted 10/23/2013; Possible | Researcher: shutch1
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 5/28/2008; Possible | Researcher: lexydeg
Nowo Zarzewska 16, Lodz, Poland
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 5/28/2008; Possible | Researcher: lexydeg
Approver Comment:
Since we don't know which of the two is our student (they are both listed as "schueler") -- Hinda Cypa or Hinda Rywka -- I have to list this as "possible."
User Comment:

transported to Chelmno in April 1942

Approver Comment:
Hinda Adler is a really interesting case. Another researcher found added two other possible Hinda Adlers, and you've found a third! If you could add a comment as to why you think this is another possible candidate to have signed the album, we'd have a more complete picture to work with in the later stages.

We know that the guide to the abbreviations says that "A.G."--ausgegangen--always means that someone was transported to Chelmno. This is based on secondary source information, and potentially on a lot of assumptions. We haven't yet found the information that allows us to say that everyone who was "ausgegangen" from the ghetto was deported to Chelmno--someday we might, but for now the information we have tells us that there are exceptions. It's okay to say that she was transported in April 1942, since we have that information, but you might want to save that for a later stage, where there is a category for it.

As soon as you give us some insight as to how you picked this Hinda, and qualify the transportation to Chelmno, I should be able to confirm this stage; for now, I'll mark it possible and look forward to your next submission!
User Comment:
Ghetto address said Braune 5 33, with there seeming to be a space between the 5 and the 33. I took that as meaning Braune Gasse 33 apartment/flat 5 although that might not necessarily be the case. It could have been the other way around (I'm not sure how the German authorities wrote down adresses) or just Braune Gasse 533 and the space was a typo or inconsequential.
Approver Comment:
Braune 5 33 should be read as Braunegasse 5, apartment 33. Thank you for adding this additional information to the research already done on Hinda; this helps to clarify and augment information about 1930 Hinda, who, in 1941, would have been the right age to attend school #10b. Is there information you can find about this Hinda Adler to add to the next stages?


No discussions
Stage 2: The Ghetto
Father's Name:
Fiszel Adler
Source: JewishGen
Status: Submitted 10/28/2013; Possible | Researcher: shutch1
Mother's Name:
Brandla Adler
Source: JewishGen
Status: Submitted 10/28/2013; Possible | Researcher: shutch1
Sibling's Names:
Icchok Adler
Source: JewishGen
Status: Submitted 10/28/2013; Possible | Researcher: shutch1
Miriam Adler
Source: JewishGen
Status: Submitted 10/28/2013; Possible | Researcher: shutch1
Mirjam Adler
Source: JewishGen
Status: Submitted 10/28/2013; Possible | Researcher: shutch1
Deported / Transferred:
Source: JewishGen
Status: Submitted 11/12/2010; Possible | Researcher: donna.michellee
Camp Deported/Transferred to:
Chelmno, Poland
Source: Hospital, Labor, Deportation, and Administrative Records from the Lodz Ghetto
Status: Submitted 11/12/2010; Possible | Researcher: donna.michellee
Place of Death:
Chelmno, Poland
Source: Hospital, Labor, Deportation, and Administrative Records from the Lodz Ghetto
Status: Submitted 11/12/2010; Possible | Researcher: donna.michellee
Approver Comment:
This comment jumps off my comment on Stage 1--qualify the deportation to Chelmno, or find more information to support this claim, and I'll be able to confirm this stage. Thanks!
User Comment:
There is a woman named Brandla Adler at the same address as Hinda who was around 40 years old, so its safe to safe to say that she was her mother. There is also a boy 2 years younger than Hinda named Icchok at the same address so he was most likely her brother, as well as a girl 6 years younger named Mirjam who was mostly likely her younger sister. Brandla and Icchok are both listed at being at flat 31 as well, so either the family moved or there was a mistake made in recording the address. Also, there is a man, Fiszel, the same age as Brandla listed at being at flat 31 so he could easily have been Hinda's father.

Here's where it get's problematic (or interesting): Hinda is listed as "Hinda Cypra Adler" at flat 31 and is said to be born on the same day, same month but 10 years earlier. Either these are two different people, someone made a typo, or the family tried to make Hinda seem older to increase her chances of not getting deported (although saying a 12 year old is 22 seems like a stretch). Also there is a "Miriam Adler" listed at flat 31 as well, and that may be a different spelling of "Mirjam." She is listed as being born 6 years and 3 days earlier than Mirjam, and this seems like a likely scenario in which the family could have lied about her age.

If this in fact was Hinda's family, we also know a few more things about them. Brandla was a "Hausfrau" or Housewife, and Fiszel was a "Kutscher," or a coachman/coachmaker. Unfortunately, the Lodz Ghetto Hospital Death records from JewishGen says Brandla died on August 21st, 1943, from "Peritonitis" Also, Icchok was apparently a student as well. Still trying to find out what happened to Hinda.
Approver Comment:
I agree with your conclusions and understand your confusion. I'm pretty sure that the ten years earlier date is a typo in the record--but then again, the ten years LATER date could also be a typo, so we just don't know.

Thank you for your continued search for what happened to Hinda.


further research posted: 4/16/2009  |  viewed: 886  |  replies: 0
further research posted: 4/16/2009  |  viewed: 893  |  replies: 0
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage


further research posted: 4/16/2009  |  viewed: 791  |  replies: 0
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage


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