Student Profile: Sz. Ajnfeld

Gender: unknown
School: School #23

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
SZYFRA Ajnfeld
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Status: Submitted 5/12/2011; Possible | Researcher: wmarcus
Szymon Infeld
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 10/17/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 10/17/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Status: Submitted 5/12/2011; Possible | Researcher: wmarcus
Ghetto Street Address:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 10/17/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
Braune Gasse, 8, 2
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 10/17/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
Approver Comment:
In this case, since Szyfra is a little younger than I might have expected for school #23, I would like it if you could explain to me why you think she is a likely candidate for having signed the album. You will also note that her last name is listed as Einfeld in the database; these records give a fuller picture of her date of birth and housing status. In addition, there is a Szymon Infeld, b. 1925, who looks promising--any of these last names might have turned up as "Ajnfeld" in a transliteration between Yiddish and Polish/German.
User Comment:

I think Szymon Infeld is a very good match for Sz. Ajnfeld. He lived at BRZEZIN 98 and Braune 82.

Approver Comment:
Nice job. I agree that Szymon Infeld appears to be the best match based on what information we have at the moment. However I can only mark this person as Possible because we have no way of knowing Sz. Ajnfeld's gender at this point in time which is a key point in confirming their identity. Keep up the good work in the next stages!


New name.. posted: 1/28/2011  |  viewed: 802  |  replies: 1
Stage 2: The Ghetto
Mother's Name:
Chaja Infeld
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 10/18/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
User Comment:

I found the following people living at BRAUNE GASSE 8 FLAT 1 and BRAUNE GASSE 8 FLAT 2.

  1. Chaja Infeld nee Rozenberg born 15/11/1911 and she previously lived at LITZMAN 3.
  2. Bajla Ruchla Infeld born 21/03/1914 and she also lived at BRZEZIN 98. She appears twice in the database and she was given as BRAUNE 8 FLAT 1.
  3. Rywka Mariemf Infeld born 27/07/1919 and she lived at Braune 8 Flat 1 and Brzezin 98. She appears twice also with the name Rywka Infeld and the same birthdate but with the address Braune 8 Flat 2 and Brzezin 98.
  4. Chil Majer Infeld born in 1888 and he died 16/07/1942 and he lived at Braune 8 Flat 1 and Brzezin 98.
  5. Liba Blima Infeld born in 1889 and she lived at Braune 8 Flat 1 and also Brzezin 98 and she appears twice as Liba Infeld and address Braune 8 Flat 2 and Brzezin 98.
  6. Bajla Infeld born 09/07/1939 and she lived at Braune 8 Flat 1 and Litzman 3. She appears again as Sara Bajla Infeld born 03/07/1939 and had the address Braune 8 Flat 2.
  7. The last name is Sura Infeld born 27/10/1923 and she lived at Braune 8 Flat 2 and Brzezin 98. She has a ghetto not A.G. 7.7.44.

I’m guessing that one of these women was his mother and the rest were his aunts. I think Chil and Liba were possibly his grandparents and Bajla (born 1939) and Sura (born 1923) were his cousins/sisters.

Approver Comment:
Excellent work finding all possibilities. Here's what I think:

-Two branches of this family lived at two different apartments before moving to Braunegasse. They include:
1. Chaja Rozenberg Infeld (b. 1911) and Bajla/Sara Bajla (b. 1939) at General-Litzmann-Strasse 33 (not in the ghetto)
2. Chil Majer (b. 1888), Liba Blima (b. 1889), Bajla Ruchla (b. 1914), Rywka Mariem (b. 1919), Sura (b. 1923) and Szymon (b. 1925) at Brzezinska 98 (Sulzfelderstrasse, a street in the ghetto)

So we still can't figure out what the relationships should be--what do you think? If we can track this family further, this might tell us a lot about how families moved throughout the ghetto and how they were moved into the ghetto originally.


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Stage 3: Labor Camps
Arrived at Camp:
Source: List of Polish citizens who perished in Dachau, 1939-1945
Status: Submitted 10/21/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
Death Date:
Source: List of Polish citizens who perished in Dachau, 1939-1945
Status: Submitted 10/21/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
Prisoner #:
Source: List of Polish citizens who perished in Dachau, 1939-1945
Status: Submitted 10/21/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
Place of Birth:
Lodz, Poland
Source: List of Polish citizens who perished in Dachau, 1939-1945
Status: Submitted 10/21/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
Camp Deported/Transferred to:
Dachau, Germany
Source: List of Polish citizens who perished in Dachau, 1939-1945
Status: Submitted 10/21/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
Place of Death:
Dachau, Germany
Source: List of Polish citizens who perished in Dachau, 1939-1945
Status: Submitted 10/21/2011; Possible | Researcher: emma2010
User Comment:

I found on Yad Vashem under List of Polish citizens who perished in Dachau, 1939-1945 a Szymon Infeld born 07/021925 in Lodz, Poland and he died in Dachua on 19/03/1945. He arrived on September 1, 1944 and his prisoner number was 97904 and his wartime address was Brzezinskastr. Also note his comment 01-September-1944 V.Auschw. I'm not sure if that means he came from Auscwitz or not. I believe this is the aforementioned Szymon Infeld due to the same birthdates. I wasn't sure where to enter the information I found so I entered it into stage three.

Approver Comment:
This is amazing. The street address listed--Brzezinskastrasse--was even an address that had been related to Szymon in the database, so it is almost definite that this record refers to the Szymon discovered in stage 1. The abbreviation "v. Ausch." with the lowercase V likely does mean "from Auschwitz," since the German form, "von Auschwitz," would have been abbreviated in that manner. Thank you for your hard work in completing Szymon Infeld's record.


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Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage


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