Student Profile: Israel Gadoszcz

Gender: boy
School: School #13B

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Israel Herz Godacz
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/26/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: FranziskaBerlin
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/26/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: FranziskaBerlin
Ghetto Street Address:
Baluter Ring, 2
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/26/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: FranziskaBerlin
Baluter Ring, 3, 15
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/26/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: FranziskaBerlin
User Comment:

There was no exact match for Gadoszcz. The person I found is only possibly the right one: it's a boy, occupation "Schüler" and he is in the right age range. This person died: GEST 1.6.42. So, he could have signed the album in September 1941.

Approver Comment:
I agree. Thank you for correcting the addresses.


last name posted: 12/2/2011  |  viewed: 511  |  replies: 2
Stage 2: The Ghetto
Father's Name:
Nanasz Godacz
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/26/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: FranziskaBerlin
Mother's Name:
Haja Ranke Godacz
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/26/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: FranziskaBerlin
Death Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/26/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: FranziskaBerlin
User Comment:

Nanasz and Haja lived at he same address as Israel and were born in 1899 and 1901. So, they were most likely Israel's parents. Israel died on 1.6.42.

Expert Reviewer Comment:
I do believe you have found Israel's parents! What I find interesting is that Nanasz does not have a death date listed under the notes section. That could possibly mean his fate was different than that of his wife and son. Good luck in the following stages, and feel free to attempt to find out what happened to Nanasz!
Approver Comment:
Thank you for helping to complete Israel's record.


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Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage


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