Student Profile: Mosze Lindzen

Gender: boy
School: School #2

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Mosze Szmul Lindzen
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Status: Submitted 12/15/2010; Possible | Researcher: mhall
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Status: Submitted 12/15/2010; Possible | Researcher: mhall
Approver Comment:
Great job! I agree that you have likely found the student who signed the album as "Mosze Lindzen" from school #2; since he was born in 1930, he would have been 11 years old when he signed the album, an appropriate age to have been attending school #2.

When I went to check your research, I found a Moszek Lindzen as well, with the same birthdate and the same address as Mosze, which leads me to believe they are the same person (just two different spellings of the name). Go back into the database and try the search again; if you agree that they're the same person, you can go ahead and add "Moszek Lindzen" as a different line in the "name" field, then, when you hit stage 2, continue to search for both Mosze and Moszek.

In the future, please also use the "comments" field to tell me and your classmates about your research process--how, for instance, you decided that this Mosze Lindzen likely signed the album. Thanks!


address posted: 12/15/2010  |  viewed: 368  |  replies: 0
Stage 2: The Ghetto
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Stage 3: Labor Camps
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Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
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Stage 5: Liberation & After
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