Student Profile: B. Tron

Gender: boy
School: School #13B

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Baruch Tron
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Status: Submitted 1/31/2011; Confirmed | Researcher: jclark1
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database, Vol. 1-4 & 5
Status: Submitted 1/31/2011; Confirmed | Researcher: jclark1
User Comment:

The name that was found seem sto be a match for B. Tron.  The birth year is in the range for the school #13B.  he also has occupation of student.  In the Ghetto Notes there are some numbers 30.7.44 what do you think those are?

Approver Comment:
I agree that this is the likeliest match for B. Tron in school #13b---he would have been 11 years old when he signed the album. Also note his addresses: Am Bach 31 and Holzgasse 7 #5.

The ghetto note is a date: what do you think it means?


Death? posted: 4/13/2011  |  viewed: 415  |  replies: 1
Stage 2: The Ghetto
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Stage 3: Labor Camps
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Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
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Stage 5: Liberation & After
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