Student Profile: Cerka Amatorsztajn

Gender: girl
School: School #10B

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Cerka Amatensztajn
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 10/11/2008; Possible | Researcher: Johnny
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 10/11/2008; Possible | Researcher: Johnny
Place of Birth:
Lodz, Poland
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 10/11/2008; Possible | Researcher: Johnny
User Comment:
When we searched our students name in JewishGen, we found a match that had a slightly different spelling of the last name. The other information provided made sense in the context of the fact that the girl is a child in Lodz.
Approver Comment:
Ths looks like a possible match. Your are correct that the birth date is in the right age range for this project, and the name is close. I think you probably have the right person, but I will mark this as "possible" until we find more evidence to suggest you are correct.


No discussions
Stage 2: The Ghetto
Father's Name:
chaim Amatensztajn
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 10/11/2008; Possible | Researcher: Johnny
Mother's Name:
Cyrla Liba Amatensztajn
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 10/11/2008; Possible | Researcher: Johnny
User Comment:
When we search for the Amatensztajn family in JewishGen, we had multiple results. It is apparent that this is a exceptionally large family because they all have the same last name, and all have the same residencies. We could pick the names that were a best fit for the parents of our student by looking at the dates of birth as well as looking for the same address before and After the Ghetto. For an unknown reason, our student has a different pre-ghetto address from her potential parents, but the same ghetto address as her parents. All of the relatives ultimately live in the same building in the ghetto, but in different flats.
Approver Comment:
It looks like you are probably correct on this. They all lived at Cranach Strasse 5 Flat 14, and the age range is appropriate. It looks like Cerka may have had an older sister named Hinda Laja.


The Fate of Cerka's father(?) posted: 10/12/2008  |  viewed: 1152  |  replies: 0
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage


No discussions
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage


No discussions
Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage


Fate Unknown posted: 10/11/2008  |  viewed: 1706  |  replies: 1
Research contributed by the following user