Student Profile: Dawid Abbe

Gender: boy
School: School #20A

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
David Wolf Abbe
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 4/3/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: jgm4489
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 4/3/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: jgm4489
Ghetto Street Address:
Brunnenstrasse, 18, 14, Lodz Ghetto, Poland
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 4/3/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: jgm4489
Approver Comment:
I agree you've found the student who most likely signed the album! In 1941 he would have been 9 years old, the right age to attend school #20A. In the future, please leave a note in the "research notes" field letting us know how you determine this was the person who signed the album. Also note that this is an AM address, meaning Dawid lived at Brunnenstrasse 18 #14 before and immediately after the establishment of the ghetto.

Good luck in the next stages!


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Stage 2: The Ghetto
Father's Name:
Noech Abbe
Status: Submitted 4/17/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: jgm4489
Mother's Name:
Estera Abbe
Status: Submitted 4/17/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: jgm4489
Sibling's Names:
Falk Abbe
Status: Submitted 4/17/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: jgm4489
Nachum Hersz Abbe
Status: Submitted 4/17/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: jgm4489
User Comment:

According to the Lodz Ghetto list on all of the family members listed are registered at the same address. Only the youngest child has a transfer date of 12/09/1942 to AUSG. Not sure if that means the entire family was transfered or not. The father died in the ghetto in 1942

Approver Comment:
Thank you for not jumping to conclusions with the deportation date. AUSG is not the destination of the deportation, but rather signifies a deportation--it is short for "ausgegangen," German for "deported." We do not know if this also means that all other family members were deported on the same day. Can you find more information in the next stages?


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Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage


difficulty finding this student in any online databases posted: 4/9/2015  |  viewed: 571  |  replies: 0
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 5: Liberation & After
Death Date:
Source: Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Status: Submitted 8/15/2013; Possible | Researcher: Chris28
User Comment:

Social Security Death Index shows only one Abbe with a D name that is undetermined, the only other two with D names and the same birthday as confirmed in the ealier identity section are a Doris and a Dale. It is possible at best.

Approver Comment:
I agree this is possible at the very best. Do we know that he came to the United States after the war?


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