Student Profile: Eliezer Pietrokowski

Gender: boy
School: School #20A

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Hersz Elezer Piotrkowski
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 4/17/2013; Confirmed | Researcher: alexrandall
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 4/17/2013; Confirmed | Researcher: alexrandall
Ghetto Street Address:
Kirchplatz, 5, 16
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 4/17/2013; Confirmed | Researcher: alexrandall
User Comment:

We searched "Eliezer Pietrokowski" in the inhibitant database.  At first we didn't find any matches, but we came up with a result when we fuzzied the name.  Hersz Elezer Piotrkowski is likely the real, full name of Eliezer.  The student likely went by his first name, and it was simply misspelled.  His date of birth is in 1933, which places him at the right age to be in School #20A at the youngest age of 8.  

Approver Comment:
I agree with your conclusions: this looks to be the person who signed this name in the album. Eliezer and Elezer are the same name, just the Yiddish and Polish spellings of it, so it is hard to say whether it is a "misspelling" or a "real name" when we are simply looking at two different ways of referring to one name. Best of luck in the next stages!


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Stage 2: The Ghetto
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Stage 3: Labor Camps
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Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
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Stage 5: Liberation & After
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