Student Profile: Hala Rajter

Gender: girl
School: School #10B

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Hala Rajter
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 11/19/2008; Confirmed | Researcher: Kwantlen_20
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 11/19/2008; Confirmed | Researcher: Kwantlen_20
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 11/19/2008; Confirmed | Researcher: birponcz
Place of Birth:
Gzesezer 26, Lodz, Poland
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 11/19/2008; Confirmed | Researcher: Kwantlen_20
User Comment:
adress in ghetto: Hohensteiner, Strasse 36, flat 7
deported on 30/10/1942 - destination= unknown
Approver Comment:
Yes... It according to the Lodz Ghetto Database, Hala Rajter moved from Gzesezer 26 in Lodz to Hohensteiner Strasse 36 Flat 7 in the ghetto. Please enter her date of deportation/transfer in the appropriate data field of Research Stage 2.
Approver Comment:
Although there are multiple entries for Hala with a birth date of February 21, 1929, it is appropriate to list this as an alternate birth date since it appears in the same records.


an additional ghetto address posted: 11/19/2008  |  viewed: 549  |  replies: 0
Stage 2: The Ghetto
Deported / Transferred:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants Database (JewishGen)
Status: Submitted 11/19/2008; Confirmed | Researcher: Kwantlen_20
Approver Comment:
Good job. Since Hala Rajter was apparently transferred out of the ghetto on October 30, 1942, we can conclude that she was not among the 70,000+ Lodz Jews sent to Chelmno during the mass deportations of 1942. This is an encouraging sign. Hala would have been just under 14 years old at this point, which is still rather young to survive slave labor and deprivations for another two and a half years.


Deportation or Change of Address? posted: 11/19/2008  |  viewed: 600  |  replies: 0
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage


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